
Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan: officials deceive entrepreneurs

- Karaganda Region
7727 просмотров

The General Prosecutor’s Office detected a bunch of serious violations in the work of state bodies of the Karaganda region

A meeting of a visiting board of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in Karaganda. Officials and entrepreneurs had a frank conversation. Numerous violations of the rights of entrepreneurs were identified during the audit conducted by Prosecutor General's Office in October-November last year. A team led by Head of the tenth Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Eraliev checked activities of state bodies of Karaganda region for 2015-16. The results are not only disappointing, they are terrible, said E. Yeraliyev. Illegal checks, unreasonable refusal, the initiation of criminal cases on entrepreneurs, wrong data - these are obstacles for the business of the region.

"The business in the Karaganda region suffocates from inspections. We felt that there are 141 state bodies in the region that can audit and influence on business. But most of all entrepreneurs suffer from the State Revenue Department. In 2016, tax audits were increased to a quarter, 62% of them are vain. They compiled false protocolds and unlawfully removed from VAT registration 23 companies. Only in the court of businessmen managed to cancel these decisions", - said Yerzhan Yeraliyev.

In addition, the tax authorities have a scheme to show case performance, about which spoke Deputy Prosecutor General Marat Akhmetzhanov. Service of Economic Investigation of the State Revenue Department improves its work, putting bigger figures.

"How it happened: the tax office finds debtors, they voluntarily pay taxes. Then the Service of Economic Investigation connects and immediately initiates a criminal case. Then it stopped, and in their report, they put billions in compensation ", - said Marat Akhmetzhanov.

It is not easy to have to entrepreneurs of Karaganda region and with local authorities. History of several construction firms that built houses for the victims of the floods in 2015, still has not ended.

"What kind of credibility and trust to government can we expect, if the officials cheat entrepreneurs? It is a habit for Akimats to put pressure on business. There is no money in the budget – they begin to ask, promise to pay, and then cheat. Remember floods in 2015? Businessmen rendered assistance. At the request of the akimat they build houses for affected people. They promised to pay 150 thousand tenge per square meter of the construction. But when it came to the contract, the city administration has reduced it to 90 thousand tenge. I had to agree, cause the walls were erected. But to some Akimat paid 150 only thousand tenge! Although the houses are the same", - he reported. At the same time the head of the investigation group does not exclude the guilt of the entrepreneurs, who set to work without waiting for formal contracts. The countrymen could not stay in the open air, and businessmen didn’t think that they would act as philanthropists

For example, the firm "Adil": also believed the authorities and started to build houses for victims of floods, it has suffered losses – the debt of 40 million tenge, of which 14 million – wages of employees. 13 employees have lost jobs. There are five construction companies, that were cheated. For the Prosecutor General it remains unclear why some still receive a full refund of 150 000 tenge, while other are paid 90 thousand tenge.

"What is the reason of such different approaches? And who decide it? We - the prosecutor's office, we are interested in a particular offender. We can register a criminal case. Instead of initiating  criminal proceedings against entrepreneurs, the service of economic investigations needs to deal with this money", - instructed Zhakip Asanov.

The real situation with the business in Karaganda is sad. The order of the Prosecutor General’s Office is ignored, there is manipulation with statistics, the cases are illegally investigated, there is red tape. As E. Yeraliyev said himself, a whole bunch of serious violations.
Attorney General described it as "direct discredit of the policy pursued by the head of state", adding that these offenders - the "enemies of our country, the enemies of our economy".


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