
Pharmacy - on the agenda

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Representatives of the pharmaceutical business and the Ministry of Health – gathered at NCE "Atameken" to discuss issues, which are important for the health sector

At the enlarged meeting of the Committee of the pharmaceutical and medical industry and health care services of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" with the participation of Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Elzhan Birtanov, representatives of the Presidential Administration, the various professional associations and the business community discussed questions of the pharmaceutical industry. The meeting was held in the video mode, connecting all regions, over 100 people participated in it.

Opening the meeting, the chairman of committee Dzhambulat Sarsenov noted the urgency in the light of the President's instructions, voiced in the Address to the Nation. "... The Government, together with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" should take measures to reduce the front end of all kinds of costs for business ... processes for public services should be optimized as much as possible. It is necessary to reduce the time and a list of documents to eliminate duplicate procedures", - the chairman quoted the Address.

The Minister of Health, speaking with a welcoming speech, expressed his readiness to work together with NCE to solve the problems of the pharmaceutical industry. He noted that the need to experience the functioning of the working group on the implementation of the system of MSMI to form a permanent working group to resolve the issues of the pharmaceutical industry based on the basis of NCE. "We need to develop an action plan for this year, together with the full consensus to approve it and start acting. I charge on the basis of the Committee for monitoring of the medical and pharmaceutical activity of the Ministry of Health to work out a plan of action based on the issues voiced in the MessageAddress of the Head of State", - he said.

As part of the assignment of the Head of the state on regulation of prices for medicines, the acting Chairman of the Control Committee of medical and pharmaceutical activity Larissa Pak made a speech. She voiced the agency's vision for further discussion with the business community.
President of the Association "Kazakhstan FarmMedIndustriya” Serik Sultanov raised the issue of improper formation of price limits, which are set without taking into account the implementation of the GMP standard. "We would like limit prices to be formed only on GMP standards, or take from the British Pharmacopoeia", - he said.

Sultanov said that the high cost of a national expert organization and ineffective mechanism of pricing services may reduce the competitiveness of domestic producers. The executive director of the Association of distributors of pharmaceutical products Natalia Gunko talked about pricing disadvantages. According to her, the used technique is aimed at the lowest possible price, thus excluding the original drugs, but unscrupulous suppliers can quickly get profit.


She also stressed the need to take into account the peculiarities of the Kazakh market: long distances and small volumes.

President of the Association and support for the development of pharmaceutical activity Marina Durmanova voiced another pressing problem. "We have a pharmaceutical company with the right to manufacture drugs. These drugs have always been used with SGBP and purchased through the Department of Health and received in hospitals. With the release of the Kazakh National Formulary these drugs were outside the legal field. We have already suggested changes to the resolution of the government to continue the purchase of these drugs. We should as soon as possible amend the legislation ", - she noted.

Durmanova stressed that some solutions manufactured in pharmacies, are used in pediatric practice. They have a small shelf life, so they can’t be produced by plants.
During the meeting, entrepreneurs from the regions said that the public authority should conduct training sessions for businesses to introduce GXP standards.

In general, during the meeting there was a very lively discussion. Representatives of the business community and professional associations had the opportunity to voice the urgent problems of the industry. Many questions have been raised: regarding the registration of drugs and other exports.
Summing up the meeting, Chairman of the Committee Dzhambulat Sarsenov instructed the Department of sphere of services of NCE using electronic digital technology to collect offers from entrepreneurs in the pharmaceutical industry and send them to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for further development.

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