
Business has a lot of problems

- Akmola Region
3594 просмотров

Entrepreneurs posed more than a dozen current and topical questions to the acting prosecutor  of the Akmola region Alexander Ogay

The round table, which was held at the site of the regional chamber, was initiated by the supervisory authority to inform the business community about the ongoing reforms today in the General Prosecutor's Office.

"Today, as you know, the so-called philosophy of change is introduced in the prosecutor's office. We do not deny that the purpose of innovation - to restore the lost trust of the population to us, including, business, as one of the public institutions. The business environment has accumulated a lot of problems, and now I am ready to listen to your questions and to the extent possible to provide answers to them", - said Alexander Ogay.

The chairman of the Regional Council Kazbek Eskendirov asked the prosecutor to study the cases of unjustified inspections in respect of LLP "Yesil-filling stations", LLP "Sterkh", SP "Lazarev" and other companies. In particular, in November 2015, the State Revenue Department initiated an inspection in respect of LLP "Yesil Filling Station", the results of which are reflected in the relevant act. However, in May 2016 SRC again audits the company. It deducted the amount of CIT and VAT from the transaction of the LLP with two partner companies. Moreover, the acts of audit state that partner companies have signs of unreliability in respect of them were initiated criminal cases. As a result of the actions of the state body today LLP "Yesil Filling Station" has to suspend its activities, suffering substantial losses and loss of profit.

Kazbek Eskendirov also raised the question about the non-execution by the local executive bodies of the recommendations to include representatives of the Chamber to the work of advisory bodies. According to him, in particular when considering the documents for participation in tenders for the acquisition of land of agricultural purpose, the Expert Councils of the Land Commissions have no business representatives. It is related to the regional and urban land commissions. Non-admission of business to the CAB creates numerous problems in the implementation of the entrepreneurs of their rights and legitimate interests.

By the way, director of "Wellness Recreation Area Ak Kayn" Orman Kamzabaev commplained on illegal, in the opinion of the entrepreneur, actions of the regional department on control over the use and protection of land. A public authority has sent him a suit to invalidate the contract on sale of land, issued two years earlier. A base was the alleged order of the prosecutor’s office.

"Unfortunately, the fact is not taken into account that the company received the land for the alleged investment project. I listened to the speech of the Attorney General Zhakip Asanov, realizing that from now big changes on are coming for business as the human needs are most crucial", - said the businessman emotionally.

"SP "Chapanov M.", SP "Gryaznov B.", SP "Yurchenko A., "SP "Ospanov T.”,  SP "Arystambaeva R.", LLP "SWC Story", LLP "NGO "Una" - this is an incomplete list of small businesses, faced with the problem of allocation of land for the construction of production facilities", - continued the Deputy Director of RCE Valentin Gerashchenko.
The debate also raised the issue of gas supply, the use of cash registers, providing medicines, about flirting and bureaucracy of officials and others. Alexander Ogay put a note on all appeals.

"Business definitely has a lot of questions. Today, the House of entrepreneurs received more than 1,000 complaints. Only 894 appeals were submitted within the line of business protection. Half of them are positively resolved, some were solved at once on the ground, in the course of the meetings of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. However, some issues are systemic, such as, for example, land, and, therefore, there were considered on this site. Today's meeting, I am sure, will contribute to the construction of affordable and efficient communication mechanism between the prosecution and the real economy ", - said the director of the Regional Chamber Erkebulan Bayakhmetov.

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