
Murat Abenov will head the committee on IT-technologies

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The well-known public figure Murat Abenov was elected as the Chairman of the Committee of Information and Communication Technology, Education and Innovation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken"

At the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs was held a meeting of the Committee of Information and Communication Technologies and the 'green' economy. One of the main issues was the definition of the tasks of the Committee and the business associations of the industry on the implementation of the third modernization of the economy.
As you know, the President's Address has identified the most important areas for the creation of new industries based on digital technology. The most promising of these are highlighted: 3D-Printing, online commerce, mobile banking, digital services in servicing of citizens, the further development of communications, access to fiber infrastructure. The development of these areas can provide the most significant impetus to all other sectors.

Solution of these problems is impossible without the creation of the necessary conditions for effective interaction between research organizations, universities and high-tech industries, support for innovation and rapid implementation. At the same time these areas are not sufficiently effective, business-structures are not yet completely included in close cooperation with research centers, do not have maximum access to financial resources and grants. There is an acute problem with the transfer of technologies.
It is necessary to implement effective business models in the innovative sphere - from design, implementation, to the sale of goods and services to consumers.

One of the conditions of economic growth is to improve the quality of human capital. The education system needs major changes aimed at developing critical thinking abilities and skills of independent search for information, the formation of IT-knowledge, financial and legal literacy. Issue of creation of conditions for the mass development of entrepreneurship, including the family business, is the key. To do this you need uniform system approaches for the formation of interest to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education at all levels from family education to pre-school institutions, schools, colleges, universities and post-graduate education.

A separate task of the business community is to awaken young people's interest to entrepreneurship and doing business, especially in rural areas, where there is the most acute problem of employment.

In this regard, the importance of private educational organizations increases, and more than 400 colleges, fifty universities, thousand kindergartens, development centers, further education, training centers, professional skills courses. In anticipation of the release of workers in areas where automation will be implemented, there is a task to create educational infrastructure on retraining of the remaining unemployed professionals. And it can’t be realized without the participation of private educational institutions and business entities engaged in educational activities, including through various types of PPP.

In recent years, private educational institutions have become a major sector of the economy, providing demanded services for the citizens, creating thousands of jobs that bring stable revenues.

The effective operation of these organizations will allow to solve the most pressing problems on the formation of human capital.

Members of the Committee expressed the view that the issues of innovation, development of knowledge-intensive production, training of qualified personnel for business structures, creation of conditions for the effective operation of private education institutions, the formation of the youth entrepreneurial skills are highly relevant and require a systematic approach for further development.

Given the urgency of the tasks facing the business community in the implementation of the modernization of the economy, the Committee decided to include additional functionality previously held activities:

- Promote the development of the education system by training for businesses, including the issues of improvement of the business and business education;

- The promotion of entrepreneurial culture in society, creating conditions for the development of mass entrepreneurship, to attract young people to engage in business;

- Development of mass media, media space, Internet and publishing;

- Promote close cooperation between research institutions and high-tech industries, innovation in production, protecting intellectual property, trademarks and copyrights.

In this regard, the decision was taken to adopt the new name of the Committee - Committee of the information and communication technology, education and innovation.
Famous public figure Murat Abenov was elected the Chairman of the Committee of information and communication technology, education and innovation unanimously.
Representatives of business associations - members of the Committee wished him success in the new direction of activity.


Murat Abenov - 51 years, the deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the 4th and 5th convocations, former Vice-Minister of Education and Science, was led by the Board of Directors of JSC "National Training Center" for development of personel “Orley”. He headed the National Education Association "SERPIN". Last post a member of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE "Atameken".
Head of the National Coordination Council Social Project "Serpіn"


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