
It's time for technological business

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Measures for the development of IT-industry, financial technologies, digital services and E-commerce in the Republic of Kazakhstan were offered at NCE

At the site of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a joint briefing by the Chairman of Committee of information and communication technology, education and innovation of the Presidium of NCE RK Murat Abenov, deputy chairman of NCE Eldar Zhumagaziev, chairman of the Kazakhstan Association of IT-companies Nurlan Isin and deputy chairman of the Council for startup and IT-ecosystem under NCE Magzhan Madiev.

 Opening the briefing, Deputy Chairman of NCE Eldar Zhumagaziev noted the readiness of the business community to implement the objectives for the development of IT-technologies, delivered by the President in the Address to the Nation "Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness". He stressed that NCE has created the Council for Development of IT startup eco-system with the participation of young representatives of the IT industry.
"At its base are raised and discussed current issues of IT-industry. Now there is no common approach to the implementation of the tasks set there, but pool of problems has been determined that need to be neutralized, to move on. Nevertheless, I believe that the main problem is not in the IT-sphere, but rather in the technological sphere. It is necessary to change technologies at enterprises", - said Eldar Zhumagaziev.

The speaker noted the problem of personnel shortage in IT-industry. For example, according to headhunter Kazakhstan, from the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017 were posted 3932 jobs in the sector of IT / telecom, despite the large supply of experts in this area (14366 posted summaries), the deficit is not compensated. This suggests that the specialists that are not suitable for market competence, for the effective development of the IT sphere, should be retrained.

It is imperative to educate people in rural areas. The population should be aware of the developments in the world of technology in the country and outside.
"The Technopark IT- should give the opportunity from the most remote regions of Kazakhstan to make their dreams come trues, it has to become a social elevator for them", - said Eldar Zhumagaziev.

Chairman of the Board of Kazakhstani Association of IT-companies Nurlan Isin noted that in the framework of the Adress,  a triune task was set for the industry to build a modern information infrastructure, ensuring its cyber-security and the formation of a competent body of domestic IT-companies. In this regard, he voiced the need to adopt a set of measures and ICT development strategy in the country, effective support of public authorities, the state's participation in the formation of long-term orders for information technology, human resource development and education for the needs of the industry.

"First of all, we need to establish a national register of trusted IT software products. At present such a register is almost formed in the framework of our association, but we propose to expand the register. The national register is needed so that customers can navigate in the IT-products and IT-companies of Kazakhstan. We also suggest to create the institute of trusted vendors of software products for the defense and quasi-public sectors", - said Nurlan Isin.

He stressed that for the further development of the sector, we need to refuse in phases from foreign proprietary software and transfer issues of grant support in the IT-sector from the Ministry of Investment and Development to the jurisdiction of the authorized body in the field of information - to the Ministry of Information and Communication.

"Creation of the Fund of development of IT-industry on its basis would be a good tool for the implementation of the tasks set by the Head of State", - said Nurlan Isin.

Chairman of the Committee of Information and Communication Technology, Education and Innovation of the Presidium of NCE Murat Abenov noted that the development of information technology, automation of processes will inevitably lead to the release of workers. Therefore, you should also consider the question of retraining of personnel, promote the development of the system of postgraduate education.

Chairman of the Council for startup and IT-ecosystem under NCE Magzhan Madiev said that members of the Council look forward to implement the tasks set by Nursultan Nazarbayev and create an international Technopark of IT-startups.

We propose to call this international Technopark of IT-startups – “ASTANA HUB”. It will work on the principles of self-government and will become a platform to attract technology entrepreneurs from around the world. incubation program will include support in the form of office and residential space, grants and tax incentives, separate legal system, easy exchange, visa and labor regimes within MFTSA, as well as the mechanism of co-investment of projects by large quasi-public and private companies in Kazakhstan, training programs, mentoring and expert support ", - said Magzhan Madiev.

Спикер подчеркнул, что миссией хаба станет создание условий для выращивания крупных казахстанских  IT-компаний.

The speaker stressed that the hub’s mission is to create conditions for the cultivation of large Kazakhstani IT-companies.
Magzhan Madiev urged young people to actively engage in technology businesses, start-ups and not be afraid of anything.
"The environment will grow!" - He said.
Summing up the results of the briefing, speakers expressed their willingness to participate actively in the development of the state program "Digital Kazakhstan".


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