
Universiade has finished, EXPO - is ahead

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The results of the work of the Committee of the tourism industry for the year 2016 and its tasks for 2017 were discussed at NCE

At the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a meeting of the Committee of tourism industry of the Presidium of NCE under the chairmanship of Deputy Chairman of NCE RK - Yuliya Yakupbaeva and Chairman of Tourism Industry Committee of NCE RK, the President of the Kazakhstani Tourist Association - Rosa Asanbaeva, with the participation of members of the Committee from among accredited tourist associations. The meeting took place in a video conference mode, connecting the cities of Almaty, Taraz, Ust-Kamenogorsk. The agenda included the report of the Committee for 2016 and its work plan for 2017.

"We are waiting for a very difficult year. Universiade has finished, EXPO is ahead. The Committee's work will be focused on the main tourism products, which we all need to sell - EXPO", - said Rosa Asanbaeva, speaking at the meeting.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted that 2016 will be dedicated to domestic and inbound tourism. She said that at the end of 2016 the Committee brought to the notice of Prime Minister of Kazakhstan – B.A. Sagintayev problems of the tourist industry, as a result the Government sent a note to President Nursultan Nazarbayev, in which the following measures were proposed: to advance and strengthen the authorized agency for tourism; to remove administrative barriers and to simplify bureaucratic procedures; to develop potential of gambling business for foreign citizens; to develop tourism infrastructure; to create the organization on tourism management; to create a brand of the country; to update the Concept of development of the tourism industry of Kazakhstan until 2020. All these measures were supported by the Head of State. There is some progress, in 2017 the Committee will continue this work.

As for promoting the tourist potential of the regions of Kazakhstan, NCE together with local authorities carried out extensive work: working groups were created, an inventory of tourist sites, business cards of regions were developed and roadmaps for infrastructure development. "Thanks to this work in 2017, akimats have already started to allocate money from the local budget for infrastructure", - said Yu. Yakupbaeva.

As for the development of inbound and domestic tourism Yu. Yakupbaeva said the following: in conjunction with the Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan we were able to agree with the Ministry of Finance funding for the modernization of visa and migration portal "Berkut"; on the initiative of NCE RK was resolved the issue of opening of seasonal control check points for tourists on the border of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic; there were developed and coordinated intergovernmental agreements; It decided to expand the list of allowed gaming zones and pre-defined long-term placements of casinos (ICBC "Khorgos", Kenderli, sports complex "Akbulak"); from 1st of January 2016 was lowered tax rate (0.003 MCI) on groundwater for health centers, dispensaries and health facilities; it was decided to transfer the functions MID RK to promote tourist potential of the country in a competitive environment, the mechanism of transfer is been deliberated on, the creation of a special organization to promote tourism is in the process (Destination Management Organization) and so on.

"As for the creation of the National Office of Tourism, the model, which was originally discussed has undergone some changes, because the regions insist that they have an opportunity to create regional conventions. In general, we have no objection, if the local budget has money for it. But the national office should deal with the promotion of the country's image as a whole", - added Yu.Yakupbaeva.

Speaking of branding, deputy chairman of the Board of NCE RK cited the example of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula. Rosturizm managed to attract large numbers of visitors, despite the remoteness of the region.

After the vote the Committee's report was unanimously approved.

The second issue on the agenda was work plan of the Committee for 2017. The question on the introduction of the 72-hour visa-free stay for transit passengers in Astana and Almaty, as well as the issue of the introduction of electronic visas need to be further discussed. In general, the plan includes actions on the following: infrastructure and logistics; the development of the tourist potential of the regions; workplan for the elaboration of proposals for the transfer of functions of state bodies in the competitive environment and to self-regulatory organizations; improving the quality of tourist services; the development of cross-border tourism; youth tourism; development and support of entrepreneurship in national parks; holding international events; issues of guarantee and insurance system; as well as the organization of the Hajj.

In addition, during the meeting the chairman of the Committee of the tourism industry Rosa Asanbaeva separately informed about the work being done in preparation for the Expo.
She noted that since 10th of July 2016, the sale of tickets began, more than 100 requests for ticket purchase were made and 13 contracts were signed with tourist companies to sell 96 thousand tickets as part of tour packages.

In total 46 road shows for more than 2 thousand tourist companies were conducted in 2016, by the results of which were signed 93 memorandums and agreements on cooperation with domestic and foreign tour operators, 13 of them with Russian tour operators.

By the joint order of the Minister for Investment and Development and the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan was formed a list of 73 tourist routes. There was formed catalog of tourist routes, places of accommodation and catering for guests and participants of the exhibition in the Kazakh, Russian, English and Chinese languages.

There were conducted presentation road shows in the target countries: China (Urumchi, Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai), Germany (Berlin), Austria (Vienna, Velden, Graz), Italy (Milan, Pisa), France (Paris), England (London) , Korea (Seoul), Japan (Tokyo), Czech Republic (Prague), Ukraine (Kiev), Iran (Urmia), the Republic of Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Azerbaijan (Baku), Belarus (Minsk), Czech Republic (Prague ), Latvia (Riga), Hungary (Budapest), as well as the border regions of Russia. From February to June 2017 it is planned to hold road show "Caravan of EXPO 2017 on the Silk Road" in 14 key European cities (Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Rome, Milan, Zurich, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Warsaw, Vilnius, Helsinki). In the current year it is planned to hold 30 road shows for foreign tour operators, participation in international tourism fairs and the organization of the largest in Kazakhstan infotour.

Given the large number of problems facing the industry, it was decided to create 3 subcommittees (on domestic and inbound tourism, outbound tourism, in hotel and restaurant business). The above Sub-Committees will coordinate the Committee's work plan for 2017.

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