
Rustam Zhursunov: "Our task – is to build a system that everyone can protect themselves"

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Proposals on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs when considering their complaints and appeals were discussed at NCE

"Our task – is to build a system that everyone can protect themselves. In this direction, we, as the National Chamber, in cooperation with the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption conduct very serious work. We have launched a public monitoring, I think that by the end of March will have concrete results for 16 spheres", - said the deputy chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov, speaking at a meeting of the Council on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and anti-corruption of NCE.

He also said that they work on the issue of introducing changes to the individual formulations of the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offences. "Because they have filters that prevent from bringing the guilty officials to accountability. We have directed specific proposals to the agency, I think, in the near future we will discuss them ", - said the representative of NCE.

It was stated from many tribunes that about 28 thousand requirements are presented to entrepreneurs, however, according to Zhursunov, there are much more requirements. "We need to put some indicatives for reduction. Last year we conducted an analysis of emergency checklists and FEZ. We reviewed 11 thousand requirements of FEZ, 83% of them were reduced by emergencies -. 70%. This work must be continued", - he said.

"As a result of this work we have come to the logical conclusion on streamlining of staff of state regulatory bodies - not less than 30%. Redistribute the wage fund, the remaining can have wage increase", - concluded the deputy chairman of NCE.

Chairman of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region Serik Toregeldin, speaking at the meeting, noted that the big concern arise consequences of appeals of businesses to public authorities. "Entrepreneurs, who do not agree with the decisions of the state bodies, fall into the so-called persecution orbit. Government agencies address to regulatory authorities to carry out inspections of the entrepreneur, as the republican law allows them to do so", - he said.

The expert outlined his proposals which, in his opinion, will help to change the situation for the better for entrepreneurs. "It is necessary to adopt a legal act to counter prosecution of entrepreneurs by officials. Officials must be liable. In all the memoranda and agreements with government agencies, it is necessary to make changes for strengthening the responsibility of officials", - he concluded.

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