
Privatization: more questions than answers

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MPs raised the problem of the business relationship with companies of quasi-public sector and issues of privatization at a meeting of the Council on the protection of entrepreneurs' rights and anti-corruption of NCE RK

 "There are a lot of appeals in the area of procurement, including procurement in the quasi-public sector. The issue of privatization is as important. In his address to the nation the President noted the need to reduce the state's share in the economy to 15% of GDP. The Chamber receives complaints of businessmen on privatization ", - said the deputy of the Mazhilis Kenes Absatirov, citing specific examples.

The causes of the frequent complaints are understandable. As you know, the privatization program has been launched in order to reduce the state's presence in the business, to strengthen the foundations of the economy due to the increase in its share of the private sector. The Head of State instructed to carry out an analysis of all companies with state participation, to determine the list of enterprises to be transferred to the private sector.

And how is it in our case? First they let you privatize a certain enterprise. An entrepreneur buys 51 percent of shares of a company and 49 percent is retained by the quasi-public sector. Further, the same quasi-public sector starts to push it the private company out. So, at first they let you come, and then they start to choke you in order to take business away. Ultimately, they buy out the enterprise at a knockdown price. But entrepreneurs are afraid to talk about it openly.

"The first stage of privatization took place in 2014. I wonder if there are any of these companies? We need to ask about their fates. It is necessary to make a complete analysis of all the privatized companies - how many companies are left, how many companies were bought up and who has bought them? Then we can see a very interesting picture. And it's a big problem. If this continues, business will not go there", - said the deputy of the Mazhilis, member of the Council Meruert Kazbek.

 The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov added: "It turns out it is a method of take out of business upon transfer of the assets of the quasi-public sector to a competitive environment. We should not allow this to become a trend. Maybe then you need to sell not by pieces, but completely, so it does not happen? "

The privatization program is implemented under the instructions of the Head of State. If we do not stop this trend, then the task set by the Head of State, will not be executed.

Problems in the relationship with the quasi-public sector were considered on specific examples of entrepreneurs. They also reviewed the issue of prevention of intentional exclusion of participants of privatization of quasi-public sector’s assets during the process of implementation of their statutory goals and objectives.




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