
Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev: "It is necessary to differentiate the state support of business"

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According to him, production companies must have a certain advantage
This was stated by the Chairman of the Senate Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev at the parliamentary hearings on the topic "On legislative support of the protection of the rights and interests of business and the cooperation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs" Atameken "and the state in this sphere".

Tokayev said that one of the main priorities of the third modernization of Kazakhstan, declared by the Head of State in the Address to the Nation, is a dramatic improvement and expansion of the business environment. "The President set clear targets for the development of mass entrepreneurship, reduction of regulatory burden and costs for all types of business, transfer of a number of government services to business, active development of public-private partnerships, the development of competition, prevent price collusion and tariff. As a result, the share of the state in the economy should be reduced to 15% of GDP, and the small and medium business will increase its stake to 50% of GDP. This is a task of strategic importance ", - he said.

"Our main task – is to create an effective and supportive environment for business development, harmoniously combining the interests of both the state and entrepreneurs. (...) We must pay attention to the development of industrial, high-tech business in our country. State support should be directed on such enterpreneurship, including the provision of an order by the quasi-public enterprises", - said the head of the Senate.

The speaker noted that in Kazakhstan, nearly 40% of small and medium enterprises are engaged in trading activities. "Therefore, in order to stimulate the production of business, which is favorable for the st,ate it is advisable to differentiate support for entrepreneurship, providing more favorable conditions for those who are engaged in the production. This also applies to taxation. The manufacturers must have a certain advantage", - he added.

Tokayev said that Kazakhstan needs reorientation of state control and supervision to move from "detection and punishment" to "prevention and control", the creation of conditions for self-regulation of business development.

"The intention of the Government to simplify the tax code deserves support, making it simple and convenient for entrepreneurs. The Senate will support this work at the legislative level", - he said.

"Our legislation prohibits the confiscation of property earned by legal money and which do not have criminal goals. But in fact, as we have seen, courts have opposite solution, allowing to take away property and to redistribute it. Prosecutor General's Office should protect citizens' property rights",- said the head of the House of Parliament.

Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev emphasized that in the framework of the recent Address of the President, we should continue legislative work for the decriminalization of crimes in the economic sphere, "there should be thoughtful approach to the application of sanctions for violations in business activity", According to him, we need to take a new look at an article of the Criminal Code of the pseudo-entrepreneurship, which is often too widely interpreted, to the detriment of the interests of a large range of entrepreneurs.

Public policy, according to the head of the Senate, must be designed to support both existing and potential entrepreneurs. "The population in each region should be able to receive complete information free of charge about what services are needed in the town or village, how to start own business quickly, which can be used to take advantage", - he said.

 The speaker also recalled the importance of business propaganda among the population, especially among young people. "We should start teaching to the basic of business from school, to build a system of business education", - he added.

"The issue of establishment of a "single window" to provide services to both foreign investors and local entrepreneurs, as it was repeatedly told by the President. According to our observations, this work is still suffering. Instead of "single window", there are additional windows, and there is an inter-ministerial red tape. Foreign investors do not feel the attentive and concerned attitude towards themselves", - stated Tokayev.

"As it was noted by the President, "Atameken" conducts useful work in support of entrepreneurship in our country. These parliamentary hearings, in our view, would be a useful tool in enhancing the efforts of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs to improve the business climate. On its part, the Senate is ready to further work on improving the legal framework for the successful development of business in Kazakhstan", - concluded the speaker of the Senate.


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