
Accountants unite

- City of Almaty
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In Almaty was held the VI Kazakhstani Conference of Accountants “Accounting 2017"
Accountants, auditors and financial directors of more than 5000 Kazakhstani companies discussed urgent issues of taxation, taking into account changes in the law, innovations in the international financial reporting standards, the filling of electronic invoices, details of the annual report on corporate income tax and much more.

"For the sixth consecutive year, we hold a large-scale free event for business. For 6 years, we have responded to 500 thousand questions of subscribers of our portal, all for free, whereas similar advice of consulting companies cost about 20 thousand tenge. Thus, we have saved for the companies about 7 billion tenge! Especially for you we have developed a manual of an accountant - a set consisting of three codes (Tax, Entrepreneurship, Labor) with explanations. We hope that it will help you in your work. We believe this is our contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's accounting sphere", - said the chief editor of the portal Maksim Baryshev.

The necessity of such topical events was noted by the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov.

"Almaty – is the center of business activity, which implies a high level of training and professionalism of accountants. But even professionals sometimes have issues in the area of ​​accounting, tax, financial and statistical reporting. In this regard, under the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty was established the Club of Accountants, which today has a status at the national level. Monthly meetings are conducted for all accountants, at which they address the most topical issues, providing an overview of problematic issues and regulations in the field of taxation, accounting, statistical reporting, experts explain the problematic issues, there is a discussion in the format of live communication. Our speakers - experts of the Chamber, invited representatives of the State Revenue Department, the Department of Statistics, auditors, practitioners and qualified experts ", - said Yuri Tleumuratov.

Since the establishment of the Club, there were held 12 meetings and 3 thematic workshops. They discussed such topics as VAT, CIT, electronic invoices, international taxation and changes in the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the work of the Club the number of appeals concerning taxation, compared with 2015, decreased from 28% to 20% (238 complaints against 405), more than 2-fold decrease in the number of appeals on explanation of the tax law (119 complaints in 2015, 56 - in 2016). Moreover, the number of business inspections by the tax authorities decreased by half (from 4574 to 3068). Many factors affected the improvement of the situation, including the work of the Club of accountants, where we discuss the changes in the Tax Code, accountants get explanations to the most important legislative issues. The conference was concluded by signing the Agreement on Cooperation between the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty and LLP “The Boss media group” (“Uchё"), as well as the ceremony of awarding the best specialists in the field of accounting, tax and labour laws in 2016.


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