
When work is a pleasure

- City of Almaty
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The Club of Marketers discussed the possibility of promoting the brand
How to achieve the media and to promote your business through social networks?

What are the key points of building media-active image and relations with business partners, both with current and potential customers? About this and other things talked the participants of the Almaty Club of marketers.The guests of the 8th meeting of the Club became a couple Gulshat and Erlan Nurpeisov. She - a member of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, the co-owner, general director of the dance club "Galladance Dostyk", coach, trainer, social activist. He – is a businessman with 20 years of experience in management and marketing (development strategy, tariff policy, billing, accounts receivable management, sales increase issues) in the fuel and energy complex, the general director of LLP “Green Auto Service”, founder of the charitable foundation "Beautiful children of Kazakhstan", member of the social group “Almaty Urban Air” and Environmental Council of akimat of Almaty, brand Ambassador of a network of fitness clubs "Fidelity", ideologist and organizer of the international competition of young designers “Steppe up”, the Internet project "Make over".

Gulshat Nurpeisova shared her personal experience in sales, she spoke about the importance of personal growth, the ability to stay ahead of customer demand, to develop training for each service of the company. She explained to the participants the importance of modern skills that are used in the process of promoting your business, including technologies such as Soft Skills and Hard Skills. Soft Skills - is the personal skills that helps to promote the product. These are skills that we can not get at any school or university. They start from the moment of first contact with the client, since the first meeting. Flexible skills, as opposed to professional or "hard” (Hard Skills) skills are closely related to personal settings (responsibility, discipline, self-management), as well as social skills (communication, team work, emotional intelligence) and management skills (time management , leadership, problem solving, critical thinking). In addition, three types of intelligence help in business: IQ, EI - Emotional Intelligence (skill, inherent to the administrative board), SI - social intelligence, or the ability to correctly understand people's behavior, "foresight in interpersonal relationships". This ability is necessary for effective interpersonal interaction and successful social adaptation.

"Spheres not related to business play a role in the promotion of goods and service, which at first glance are not related to the business - your family, active lifestyle, social activities, cultural and social events, friends. Sharing your impressions on social networks, you can actively recruit new customers. For example, we recently launched a new project "eligible bachelor". The theme was chosen because the demographic situation in Kazakhstan is poor: according to statistics we have 700 thousand unmarried women and 300 thousand unmarried men. The subject is relevant, and through this project we involve our partners, we show our social activity. Besides, I am a member of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, these are new contacts and potential clients ", - said Gulshat.

Unlike his spouse, Erlan Nurpeisov highlighted the theme of social network activity, and society as a whole to promote own brand, by the example of his status as the Ambassador of a brand network of fitness clubs “Fidelity”. Being a member of the Environmental Council of the akimat of Almaty Yerlan aims to highlight the theme of ecology of our city and offers alternative solutions to this problem.

The club meets once a month. The goal – is improving the competitive position of the companies participating at the expense of increasing professionalism in marketing. During the meetings, they exchange experience by extending the range of professional knowledge, public speaking, brainstorming and discussions.

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