
Taking into account the views of society

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A study meeting of the Public Council of SAPF with the deputy chairman of the bank Galymzhan Pirmatov and Chairman of the Board of JSC "SAPF" Nurbuby Nauryzbayeva was held at the National Bank of Kazakhstan, reports citing to the press service of the financial regulator.

Galymzhan Pirmatov stressed the importance of establishing an independent advisory body - the Public Council under SAPF.
"The opinions of contributors and beneficiaries, financial experts, and journalists, covering the objective processes in the pension sector, are extremely important. Proposals will be developed on the basis of the discussions to improve the funded pension system, to improve the transparency of the Single Accumulative Pension Fund", - said Galymzhan Pirmatov.

Nurbuby Nauryzbayeva noted paramount importance to achieve maximum transparency of activities of SAPF, establishing sustainable and effective information communication channel with investors and recipients of pension payments from the fund. "A key principle of SAPF remains unchanged - it is protecting the interests of fund investors and pension payments to beneficiaries", - she said.
Representatives of the National Bank and SAPF briefly told the participants of the meeting about the work on pension assets management and the current situation in the pension sector, as well as answered the questions of the Public Council under SAPF.

The two sides exchanged views, noted the effectiveness of such meetings in the framework of further cooperation to explain the principles of functioning of single accumulative pension system in a single information space and to give impetus to improve the activity of the pension system.
The Public Council under the SAPF was formed in February 2017 based on the voluntary participation of experts and members of non-governmental organizations, investors, beneficiaries SAPF, media. It should be noted that the deputy chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva is a member of the Public Council.  The political analyst Dosym Satpayev was elected the Chairman of the Council, a well known journalist Alevtina Donskikh became his deputy.


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