
Karaganda business believes that the judicial system needs reform

- Karaganda Region
3616 просмотров

The judges must make decisions according to the law, not by inner conviction
The Prosecutor General’s Office of RK voiced the preliminary results of the execution of the order of the Prosecutor General that was given during the meeting in Karaganda on 10th of February. Deputy Prosecutor General Marat Akhmetzhanov paid a return visit to the mining capital and met with the business community and representatives of several government agencies.

Deputy head of the State Revenue Department Daulet Tatubaev reported on the fate of the negligent officials, who created obstacles for entrepreneurs. Thus, according to the results of an audit, 24 employee of the Service of Economic Investigations of regional SRD were subject to disciplinary punishment for violations of the rights of entrepreneurs, 7 of them dismissed from their positions, two resigned themselves. A pre-trial investigation has also begun in respect of an investigator of SEI by Article 361 of the Criminal Code for illegal involvement in the prosecution and detention of an entrepreneur Dolgomyslov. Anti-corruption office investigates the matter.

In light of the voiced data, Karaganda business is optimistic. Member of the Regional Council, a prominent businessman Nikolai Abt thanked prosecutors for the principled position that the authority has taken in respect of the business. "We would like resolution and the pace to continue at the same level. And I have a request, which is connected with the courts - the judicial system needs reform. There would not be as many issues and problems, if the courts worked well. Now our judges issue decisions not by law, but by their inner conviction. There should no state interests for judges, the interests of a private person - it should be only under the law", - said N. Abt.

And the president of Kazakhstani Association of Entrepreneurs Ermek Abildin believes that it is necessary to toughen the penalties in respect of officials, admitting illegal actions in relation to business. "Today, we again and again raise the problems of business. In fact, these problems are not solved for 25 years. The reason for not implementing various government programs, including the regional development programs – is direct fault of officials. They do not feel their responsibility", - he said.

Meanwhile, many entrepreneurs manage to protect their rights and interests through the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Deputy Chairman Tulemis Shotanov noted that part of the work on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and reduction of administrative barriers of RCE of Karaganda region has achieved significant results. "LLP" Sary-Arka" obtained assistance in the cancellation of illegal decision to exclude LLP from participation in public procurement followed by the conclusion of a contract for the construction of residential buildings in the amount of 777 million tenge. With the direct participation of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Supreme Court cancelled the accrued tax of LLP "REN" in the amount of 531 million tenge. Subsidies were paid to agricultural producers in the agricultural sector in the amount of 360 million tenge, which farmers were fighting for almost half a year. The issue of the use of land tax rates for businesses, operating in the settlements Shakhan, Dolinka and Novodolinka was resolved. For several years, the state bodies of Shakhtinsk charged entrepreneurs with land tax at the rates of the regional center. As a result of proceedings with assistance the regional Chamber had achieved a return of 210 million tenge", - said Tulemis Shotanov.

Regional entrepreneurs are hoping that business will feel easier. Karaganda officials have claimed that the practice of suspension of account transactions, restrictions on disposal of property, seizure of property in criminal cases is terminated. In order to improve radically and to enhance the business environment, the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs together with the regional prosecutor's office began to implement the "road map", which includes 7 directions.


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