
Equipment of transport with the "SOS" button - innovation within the EAEU

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From 1st of January 2017, all cleared vehicles of categories M and N have to be equipped with a device for calling emergency services

At the initiative of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" a seminar was held at the National Space Center with the participation of entrepreneurs and their associations, engaged in the transportation (passenger and cargo), production, sale, import and conformity assessment of vehicles.

The reason for the seminar was the innovation in the framework of the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles", according to which, as of 1st of January 2017, all vehicles of M and N (passenger and cargo) issued in circulation have to be equipped with a device (system) for calling emergency services, with the exception of vehicles belonging to types that have been approved, as well as in operation on the territory of the EAEU.

Taking into account that this norm is completely new for the conditions of Kazakhstan, business had questions regarding the readiness for operation of the emergency call system in case of accidents and catastrophes "EVAC", which is necessary to meet the requirements of the technical regulations, concerning the control over equipping the transport with an "alarm button", responsibility for not installing such a device, the availability of devices on the market, the ways of equipping vehicles with them, etc.

The initiative of NCE "Atameken" was supported by the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Commission, the delegations of which were headed by Deputy Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Nurguzhin and Director of the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the Republic of Armenia Arman Shakkaliyev.

Representatives of FSUE "NAMI", NP "GLONASS", authorized bodies in the field of transport, technical regulation and metrology, emergency situations and primary medical care of the Republic of Kazakhstan were also at this event.

The objective of the seminar was to provide the domestic business with a platform for acquaintance with the degree of readiness for the operation of the "EVAC" system and obtaining explanations on the issues.

The seminar consisted of two parts: a report on the readiness of the "EVAC" system and demonstration of its operability and clarification of the norms of technical regulations for equipping vehicles with a device (system) for calling emergency services.
Having thanked all those present for participation, Dina Mamasheva, Managing Director of the Atameken voiced the concerns of the business community regarding the readiness for the operation of the EVAK system and other issues related to the need to equip vehicles with an alarm button.

Welcoming the participants of the seminar, Vice Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Nurguzhin informed that the first cycle of works was carried out by the developers of the EVAC system in 2016, allows technically to accept calls to the Uniform Duty and Dispatch Service "112" from any devices for emergency services of domestic and foreign production.

"Currently, the EVAC system is ready for operation in the pilot mode, currently, in conjunction with the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the organizational issues related to the identification of the operator of the EVAC system and the commissioning of this system are being resolved", - said the vice minister.

Representatives of the Institute of Space Technology and Technologies demonstrated the capabilities of the "EVAC" system developed by them with the use of cars equipped with the "call button" on the routes of Kazakhstan.

As follows from the statistics of accidents, 50% of deaths in case of accidents are due to the fact that assistance was not rendered on time. It is predicted that with the introduction of the EVAC system, the arrival time of emergency services to the crash site will be reduced by 30-40%.
According to representatives of the Institute of Space Technology and Technology of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, equipping transport with such a "call button" will cost 90 to 150 thousand tenge.

In the second part of the seminar, representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, FSUE “NAMI”, NP GLONASS presented materials explaining the requirements of the technical regulations for equipping vehicles, as well as compatibility issues between the EVAC and ERA-GLONASS systems.

The participants of the seminar also discussed the requirements of the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Road Traffic" and "On Road Transport" concerning the mandatory equipment of vehicles in use for transporting passengers and baggage, as well as dangerous goods, with emergency service call devices.

Deputy Director of the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the EEC Vyacheslav Burmistrov noted that the requirements of the technical regulations on the mandatory presence in the car of devices (systems) for calling emergency operational services do not apply to vehicles in service.
In turn, NCE RK "Atameken" plans to apply to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and EEC with a view to obtain a legal assessment of the legality of establishing such requirements in the national legislation for vehicles in service.

In the opinion of the participants, the seminar was rich and clarified many moments of the need to equip vehicles with an emergency response system in case of accidents and disasters in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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