
Light industry wants to move from defense to attack

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About 50% of orders of light industry are formed by orders of power structures, reports

Subsoil users, national companies and law enforcement agencies continue to remain serious customers for domestic light industry enterprises. At the same time, according to Natalia Kuznetsova, Executive Director of the Union of Manufacturers of Light Industry, the share of defense orders in the total weight of light industry products is about 50%.

"Now we are working on centralized procurement. There are procurements of subsoil users, there are procurements of Samruk-Kazyna, national companies, and there are state procurements, which are conducted by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health that is all other purchases that are done on budgetary money. Procurement is supposed to be carried out through a single buyer - the state purchases committee of the Ministry of Finance, that is, all regional, republican purchases will be made through one operator. Criteria have been developed, they have already been coordinated with all industry associations, with the ministry and are included in the order of the Ministry for Investments and Development", - she said at the round table "Technological modernization as the main aspect of the development of light industry enterprises".

 The deputy head of the union invited entrepreneurs to submit their proposals on the development of the industry.
"We will form them by a single package and submit it to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, as it is developing the vision", - she said. In addition, Ms. Kuznetsova proposed to establish cooperation with partners in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

In turn, the chairman of the manufacturing industry committee of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken (NCE), Duman Kadyrbaev, believes that industry enterprises need to actively look for their consumers on the open market.

"The state procurement market in Kazakhstan is more than 10 trillion tenge. It provides an opportunity to create about 1 million jobs. When we talk about procurements of Samruk-Kazyna, subsoil users, state procurements, we forget about one more market - the consumer market. Both the head of state and the prime minister insist that we should master this market. It is about 1.9 trillion tenge, but this is statistical data", - he said, adding:"This is also a great potential for our producers. It also gives great opportunities for producers. We should not sit and look at these state procurements. This is some kind of push so that we can master our market. We must become masters of our market. "

At the same time, he noted the importance of consolidation and integration in the EAEU, but suggested that he should understand in which area and which segment to integrate.
"That is, if we ourselves produce raw materials and finished products, then we have export potential. It is necessary, probably, still be guided by the export of finished products. That's where we have to compete. Consolidation "Zhasampaz" showed that we must compete with each other and with foreign players in our retail market", - said Duman Kadyrbaev.

The consortium of light industry enterprises of Kazakhstan "Zhasampaz" includes 5 enterprises, which merged with the goal of joint implementation of works and development of production. Later, the consortium included 7 more enterprises.

"A long-term agreement was concluded between JSC Kazakhstan Engineering and the consortium Zhasampaz on 1st of April  2016 for 5 years with confirmation of the allocated limits for the amount of 45 billion 953 million tenge. The sum of deliveries in 2016 was 8 billion 522 million tenge. On the basis of this long-term agreement, an investment agreement was also concluded on 8th of April 2016, according to which the consortium is bound to modernize and to create new production facilities with the goal of increasing the share of Kazakhstani raw materials in goods to 95% by 2020", - said the director of LLP SemSpecSnab, a member of the consortium "Zhasampaz" Ainur Akhmetova.

Within the framework of these agreements, Kazakhstani content for fabrics, furniture, signs of difference and other assortment should gradually increase from the level of the base year 2015. In particular, according to the results of 2016, the content of fabric should be 28.9% versus 0% in 2015.
"There were no domestic fabrics. The actual figure for Kazakhstani fabrics in 2016 was 31.58%", - she said. According to fittings, Kazakh content should reach 53% compared to 42% in 2016, which was done. According to the position of the differentiation signs and other assortment, the Kazakh content had to reach 41.6%, in fact - 69.2%. "The average share of Kazakhstani raw material content in 2016 was 46.6%, that is 27 out of 58 items used for the production of clothing, were produced by Kazakhstan producers", - said Ainur Akhmetova.

 As part of the work to increase the share of the Kazakh content, the enterprises of the consortium implement investment programs for a total of 6.2 billion KZT of own and borrowed funds, including 2,261 billion KZT were mastered in 2016.
Another participant of the consortium - LLP Azala Textile (Shymkent) purchased raw cotton grown in the South-Kazakhstan region for more than 10 years and produced yarn and harsh cloth from it.
"So we worked for more than 10 years and were a raw material appendage for the EU countries. Currently, we have built finishing production, launched a sewing production for the production of bed sets, terry products", - said the director of the enterprise Gulnar Sadykbekova.

The enterprise has mastered the production of costume fabrics.
"As we are a cotton mill, we made this fabric purely from cotton. When we printed camouflage print, we made the first meters, of course, we received a lot of negative feedback. First, the fabric strongly wrinkles, does not have a grateful appearance. The technology group began to think about how to conquer the market and how to position itself. I will not hide it, we copied the experience of the Russian Federation, took the experience of Belarus, since before this time our Ministry of Defense bought it from these countries. Having received this experience, we, of course, needed a mixture of yarns. There is no blend of yarn in Kazakhstan", she noted.

As a result, the company found such a yarn in Uzbekistan and made the first sample, giving it to probation. "The second pancake was also a lump.
There were such terms as "breaking load", which does not stand up, it is very important. We went further to work, and by this method we were able to supply 1 million running meters of cloth for the Ministry of Defense, including camouflage, lining, and it worked", - said Gulnar Sadykbekova.
In addition, the company plans to put on the market new products - flannel, bike. "We want to offer fabrics for officers - more respectable fabrics. This is what is called diagonal, soot interlacing", - noted Ms. Sadykbekova.

Zhanbolat Mamyshev


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