
Corruption with the eyes of entrepreneurs

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Any businessman who has his own business knows firsthand what corruption is

This was reported at the First Congress of Civil Initiatives on Anti-Corruption by the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov.
As it was noted by the Business Ombudsman, entrepreneurs face corruption from the day of opening their business, i.e. starting with the licensing procedure. Entrepreneurs raise a number of problematic issues in tax legislation, complain about procurement, land, architectural and construction issues. They are also outraged by a large number of demands, unrealistic compulsory requirements, administrative procedures of state bodies. The overpriced permits, such as licenses, certificates, patents, it also hinders business development.

Access to land, the opacity of information about the master plans are of concern to entrepreneurs in almost all regions. Many complained that for years they can’t get land for construction and expansion of activities on the basis of inconsistency of the business plan with detailed planning and the general plan of the cities. "The issue of strengthening the responsibility of civil servants in economic terms is of particular importance. After all, an entrepreneur, when he violates the law, bears full responsibility, including, financial. But when it turns out that the entrepreneur has no guilt, no one is responsible for the losses that he incurred during the investigation. For six months of the investigation, he loses his business, bears enormous losses. Who will compensate the entrepreneur for the damage caused to him? Officials should understand that they will be responsible for the damage caused. That is, they must bear not only administrative responsibility, but also financial responsibility, because of which the entrepreneurs suffered. Only then they will really feel their responsibility", said the Ombudsman in his speech.

He said that the National Chamber began working closely in this direction with the anti-corruption department. In all regions of the country, in cooperation with the Civil Service Agency, public monitoring of corruption risks is carried out in 16 areas, beginning with tax administration and ending with veterinary supervision. "Taking into account the opinion of entrepreneurs, it is necessary to reduce the number of verification requirements of state bodies, to reduce the controlling bodies, which often duplicate each other", - summed up Bolat Palymbetov.

It should be noted that the Office of the Ombudsman for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs is represented practically in all advisory bodies of the state, where anti-corruption issues are discussed.


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