
Expansion of the list of seizures of Kazakhstan in the WTO framework

- Akmola Region
11511 просмотров

When you import goods into the Republic of Kazakhstan, you can clear goods by WTO rates
The Department of Economic Integration of NCE RK "Atameken" informs that from on 24th of March, the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 58 dated by 9th of February 2017 on approval of the List of Goods, on which reduced customs duties are applied according to the obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the WTO, comes into force.

Recall that Kazakhstan, as a member of the World Trade Organization, has undertaken to reduce import customs duties on a number of goods, according to which duties are reduced annually by expanding the List of Seizures. So, in 2016 in accordance with the Decision of the Council of EEC №59 of 14th of October 2015, Kazakhstani businessmen imported 1347 goods at a reduced rate. In 2017 this list of exemptions was supplemented additionally with 567 positions and in accordance with the new commodity nomenclature of the EAEU it consists of 2,167 items.

In turn, we remind that along with the obligations within the WTO, Kazakhstan as a participant of the Eurasian Economic Union should ensure the traceability of goods included in the List of Seizures, as well as the prevention of their export outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, in case of their importation into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan by understated rates. In this regard, Atameken asks businessmen when importing goods into the RK to pay attention to the fact that if the goods are used only in Kazakhstan, then it is possible to clear the goods at WTO rates.

In the event that the goods are exported from the territory of Kazakhstan to the Member States of the Union, it is necessary to carry out customs clearance of goods at the rates of CCT. The condition for the export of goods included in the List, but imported at the rates of CCT of EAEU, is the availability of shipping documents.
The regulatory and legal basis of Kazakhstan provides for the registration of two shipping documents: a customs declaration and an electronic invoice (hereinafter referred to as e-invoice) when carrying out mutual trade within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Along with this, entrepreneurs engaged in the sale of goods included in the List of Seizures should remember that shipping documents are also necessary: ​​when selling goods included in the List that were previously imported from the territory of third countries; sale of goods imported into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the territory of the Member States of the EAEC, the FEACAN code of the EAEU and the items included in the List; when selling goods produced in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the FEACAN code of EAEU and the names of which are included in the List; export from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the territory of another member state of the EAEU in connection with the transfer of such goods within one legal entity.

This Order is officially published on the website of the Reference Control Bank of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in an electronic form.

We also recall that all the necessary information, as well as the regulatory and legal framework on the application of reduced import duties by domestic businesses within the framework of the WTO, is posted on the official site of NCE RK "Atameken", in the WTO section "Kazakhstan's Tariff Obligations to the WTO".

If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Economic Integration of NCE "Atameken" by phone (7172) 919 373 or send your questions by e-mail


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