
Bakytzhan Sagintayev "We will bring the state procurement system to a logical conclusion"

- East-Kazakhstan Region
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A republican meeting was held in the East Kazakhstan region with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev
A meeting was held in Ust-Kamenogorsk under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev on improving the procurement system. The meeting was attended by the leadership of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, government agencies, the region and more than 100 business representatives.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken", as well as entrepreneurs, voiced a number of problematic issues in the procurement system, in terms of the timeliness of publication of procurement plans. They also discussed the introduction of responsibility in the quasi-public sector, the priority of domestic producers' products during procurement, including development and implementation of project design documentation, strengthening pre- and post-tender control of local content, as well as issues of preliminary qualification selection and industrial certificate.

As it was noted by Ablay Myrzakhmetov, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs analyzed the business position at two sites: public procurements and procurements of NWF “Samruk-Kazyna”. Five systemic issues have been identified, which are periodically encountered by entrepreneurs. "First and foremost, I would like to thank the business for the trust. This is a historical fact, for the first time businesses are given the opportunity to review the procurement system based on experience and practice of its application. Today we once again met with representatives of business structures in Kazakhstan, who voiced about 15 different problems. These are administrative barriers, and groundless inspections of state bodies", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

The first deputy akim of the East Kazakhstan region Nurymbet Saktaganov told about the positive experience of interaction between the akimat of the East Kazakhstan region and the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs in promotion of the interests of local commodity producers in procurement. So, in March of the last year was created the regional commission on questions of support of domestic commodity producers. In 2016, this commission held 10 working sessions, which addressed issues related to increasing the share of local content in education, health, transport infrastructure, housing and communal services, energy and construction. "For more effective introduction of new products and technology of local commodity producers into the market, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the East Kazakhstan region conducts on ongoing basis dialogue platforms with the participation of design organizations and producers of the region in the construction industry, for the inclusion of building materials in the project design documentation. The monitoring conducted by the State Expertise showed that the share of Kazakhstan's content increased in PDD in 2016 in construction industry: schools, kindergardens from 75% (2015) to 83%, hospitals and polyclinics from 78% (2015) to 81%, residential houses from 89% (2015) to 91%", - said Nurymbet Saktaganov.

Marat Bakkulov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLP Almaty Ventilator Factory, has stopped on the problems of the machinery industry in procurement. In Kazakhstan, 916 enterprises operate in the machine-building industry, of which 34 are large, 56 are medium, 826 are small. The main consumers of engineering products are the state procurement market, purchases of Samruk-Kazyna and subsoil users. "For fairness, I note that our products are bought for formalities in small amounts, apparently for formal reporting, and the main expensive equipment is bought from foreign manufacturers. Therefore, there are questions what does the state examination do and why companies as Samruk-Kazyna and subsoil users have such a big desire to buy more expensive equipment abroad", said Marat Bakkulov.

The topic of development of the post-tender control system and the filling of projects with local content was touched upon by the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the East Kazakhstan region, Igor Shatsky.
The problems of the light and furniture and woodworking industry in procurement, the problems of the light industry in procurement were also voiced at the meeting.
Following the results of the meeting the akimats of the region together with NCE were entrusted to create commissions for control of local content, state bodies were told to work on the resolution of the problematic issues. "We will bring to the logical end our endeavor together with NCE RK" Atameken" to improve the system of public procurement until the end of this year. Thank you for the open conversation, today you frankly told us about the most problematic moments", - summed up Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev.

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