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Draft order "On approving construction norms"

The draft order of the Chairman of the Committee for Construction and Housing of the MID RK "On Approval of Building Norms" was submitted to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" for presenting the expert report. The draft order provides for the following construction norms: "Residential and multi-apartment buildings", "Design of single-family houses and their engineering systems", "State social housing", "Hotel design". At the same time, building codes set the following basic requirements: to ensure the reliability and stability of buildings; fire safety; to ensure the protection of human health in the process of exploitation; engineering systems and equipment; to ensure accessibility for low-mobility groups of the population; environmental protection; energy conservation and rational use of natural resources.

Considering the importance of the document for the subjects of the construction industry, we ask you to take an active part in their discussion. The text of the draft order of the Chairman of the Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of MID RK "On approving construction norms" and presentations  can be found here. Your suggestions and comments on the draft order can be sent to the address: or to inform by phone. +7 7172 91 93 36 (Abilman Dosanov).


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