
Rustam Zhursunov: "What kind of budgetary savings are we talking about? Only one fine is 1.3 billion tenge "

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More than 200 corruption cases were registered against 80 officials in the sphere of public health in 2016. The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption held a videoconference, following the results of public health monitoring. "The Road Map has been approved between the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". We will test 16 different areas, and our first overall work is carried out in the field of health. Today's meeting is held on the issue of work to minimize and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of corruption offenses in the healthcare sector", - explained Alik Shpekbayev, Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Activities. The Deputy of the Agency raised a number of problems in the field of healthcare and presented detailed data on this sector. According to Alik Shpekbayev, only for the last 10 years the financing of the healthcare sphere has grown almost 5 times. For example, in 2005, 191 billion tenge was allocated, and in 2016 this amount increased 1 trillion tenge. However, according to the international rating of the World Health Organization on health indicators, Kazakhstan is only 111 among 145 countries. In 2016, more than 200 cases of corruption were registered against 80 officials, 22 of them were convicted. The biggest number of convicts come from Kostanay, Pavlodar, South-Kazakhstan regions and the city of Almaty. At the meeting, Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of RK "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov raised the issue of the work of the single distributor "SK-Pharmacia", and also said that work on 16 sectors will be discussed by the end of the year, and called the Regional Chambers to treat this task is responsibly. "I am sure that, based on the results of our work this fall, we will analyze all areas, come out with proposals to deputies, in order to look at this problem precisely through the prism of anti-corruption expertise of these norms. For us, the practice of LLP SK-Pharmacy is really painful. We repeatedly raised this issue on our Anti-Corruption Council with the participation of the Agency, the Prosecutor General's Office. There were recommendations. We discussed the rules of procurement, the form. Nothing is done. SK-Pharmacy had four main tasks. The first is saving budget funds. 31.3 billion tenge in 2010, 115 billion tenge in 2016, and here, in fact, "SC-Pharmacy" acts as a buffer. According to our calculations, about 9% on top. The Agency for Competition Affairs checked - the monopoly income was 26.7 billion tenge. About what economy of budget funds we are talking? Only one fine is 1.3 billion tenge. This task has not been carried out", - said Rustam Zhursunov. Deputy Chairman of NCE "Atameken" raised the issue of PPP in the field of medicine, asked how the projects of this branch will be implemented in PPP. In turn, the director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Aktyubinsk region Nurlybek Mukanov voiced a number of problems of medical institutions, domestic commodity producers of the medical industry. "During the procurement of medical equipment in 2016, the Almaty Public Health Department by lot No. 4 has 126 parameters of the mammography unit, the technical specifications of which completely duplicate the characteristics of the" Russian-made X-ray mammographic digital apparatus "SIMA" complex, the cost of which was 48.9 million tenge, while the cost of a similar apparatus produced by Aktobrentgen JSC AR-Mammo is 42.9 million tenge. By lot number 11, 128 parameters are specified with which comply only the parameters of the fluorograph of Russian production "ProScan" costing 32.0 million tenge, While the Kazakhstan analogue of the fluorograph "Zhejis", produced by JSC "Aktyubrenteng" is worth 24.0 million tenge. A similar situation exists in Astana, where, as a result of the purchases, Russian-made vehicles are purchased, which are 40% more expensive than domestic ones", - cited examples Nurlybek Mukanov. The head of the Aktyubinsk Chamber of Entrepreneurs, based on the results of the public monitoring conducted, with a view to eliminating existing corruption risks, proposed to the Ministry of Health its recommendations: to change the procurement procedures, in particular, to conduct the entire procurement procedure into an electronic format, with the creation of a single portal; to consider the possibility of implementing two-stage procurement procedures; in order to support domestic production, it is necessary to develop and approve the relevant regulations for the examination of the price of domestic medical equipment; In the PPP on the basis of regions to develop medical clusters, which will improve the quality of health services and the development of medical tourism; to abolish the function of the single distributor, with the transfer of appropriate powers to local executive bodies. The head of DADGSPK in Almaty region Serikbai Nurgisaev reported on the results of the health care audit of Almaty region. "In 2016, 12 million public services were provided in the Almaty region, 6 million of them are in the medical field. As of January 2017, 826 medical institutions provided medical assistance to the population of the region. Of these, 663 organizations are in the ministry system, and 163 are private. Every year, public financing of the healthcare system is on the increase, in particular in the Almaty region in 2013, 54 billion tenge was allocated, and 69 billion tenge in 2016. However, there remains a corruption risk in this area. The reason for this can be attributed to the low level of wages, as well as the social insecurity of the health care worker", - said Serikbai Nurgisayev. In addition, the speaker reported on the causes of corruption, raised a number of health problems in the Almaty region, and the detection of the offense of public services, especially in issuing a certificate to the neuropsychiatric organization. In this regard, Serikbay Nurgisayev, in order to exclude the direct contact of the service provider with the service recipient, offered to implement this service through the e-government portal. During the meeting, the deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, discussed medical care, the state of domestic pharmaceuticals, and compulsory social health insurance. Alik Shpekbayev, Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Affairs, summarized that all the proposals will be worked out jointly with Atameken and will be sent to the Ministry of Health, and six months later there will be a report of the representatives of the ministry, heads of territorial units.


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