
Projects of the Regional Map - Priority for Public Financing

- Kostanay Region
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This was stated by the chairman of the Presidium of NCE "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev
Projects of the Regional Map should have priority in public funding. The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev reported this during the meeting of the Regional Council, which was held in Kostanay region.

Timur Kulibayev emphasized that the problem of availability of financial resources is relevant for businessmen from all over Kazakhstan, and it will be considered jointly with the National Bank.

"I will say immediately that the issue is very sensitive, delicate, it affects the interests of both monetary policy and commercial banks. We will work with the business community to develop proposals on how to support our entrepreneurs. My proposal is to organize financing for projects that have passed through the regional map. With the region's leadership, we discussed the investment opportunities of the region. Now it is important for us to understand where to concentrate our efforts. First of all, this is agricultural processing. It requires activity on the part of the business community so that we can form a full-fledged, elaborated list of projects and through the Atameken and the Government tools to offer them to our partners, including foreign ones", - said Timur Kulibayev.

According to the head of the Presidium of the NPP, today at the level of Ministries, the issue of simplifying tax legislation is being worked out, which is very important for business and for Kostanay, in particular. At the meeting it was announced that every fourth appeal comes to the regional Chamber on taxation issues: additional charges for transactions with counterparties whose registration was declared invalid. Exporters, in turn, complain about the complexity of the VAT refund procedure.

"There is an instruction of the head of state and there is an agreement with the Government to simplify tax procedures so that they have direct action and do not create obstacles for our entrepreneurs. We need feedback to know what problems the business faces. Of course, conscientious entrepreneurs must pay taxes, it is our duty. But when a business faces problems, you need to react. Now NCE proposes to streamline verification process for VAT rebate. It is clear that the State Revenue Department is simply executing the law, they are doing their job and here is the only way - to ensure that reasonable amendments are introduced to the law. We are doing this", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Heads of the enterprises of the region voiced the problems of raising tariffs for access services of the JSC "Center for Transport Services"; frequent checks by the antimonopoly authority; the shortage of certified veterinary laboratories.
The problematic issues of the agricultural sector were voiced by the director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Murat Abenov. Among them, non-liquidity of the collateral for obtaining loans for spring-field and harvesting campaigns, insufficient allocation of funds for subsidizing the industry, the inability to provide services to the population upon use of a special tax regime.

As it was reported by the director of the department of agro-industrial complex and food industry of RK "Atameken" Rustem Kurmanov, each problem is taken for control, questions are being worked on. They can be brought to the level of profile Ministries thanks to the active, consolidated position of the agricultural producers of the region themselves.

A broad response in the region was found in the initiative of NCE to create microfinance organizations operating on concessional lending terms. For 8 months from the start of the lending, the region's residents received 93 loans from the MFO "Atameken Kostanay" for a total of 344 million KZT, which facilitated the opening of new livestock, catering, service, passenger and freight transportation projects.

"MFO resources can be used more widely. For example, participation in the Program of productive employment will solve the problem of funding in the amount of 500 million tenge. For these purposes, it is necessary to amend the internal crediting rules of the JSC Agro-Credit Corporation and the Fund Damu, - said the director of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Murat Abenov.

"Now the Government allocates an additional 11 billion tenge. We distribute money to the regions where such organizations are established. If Kostanay is ready for development, the resources will also be increased", - said the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Within the framework of the trip to Kostanay region Timur Kulibayev visited the full-scale Business Support Center, which opened on the basis of the Regional Chamber at the end of last year. He thanked the members of the Regional Council for their support in opening the BSC and noted that coordinating such services in one place saves entrepreneurs time, and non-financial support becomes the basis for opening new and expanding existing business projects.

In addition, the head of the National Council got acquainted with the work of JSC Bayan Sulu, one of the largest enterprises in Kazakhstan for the production of confectionery. 65,6 thousand tons of products of various names are produced here annually. According to the head of the enterprise Timur Sadykov, every year the company improves its production technologies. In 2016, JSC "Bayan Sulu" implemented an investment project - a biscuit shop, which was presented to the head of state, and the sweets produced here appealed to the population.

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