
PPP is a balance of interests of both parties

- Kyzylorda Region
6300 просмотров

This was stated by the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov

One of the pressing problems discussed at the site of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region by the Republican Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs and Anti-Corruption under NCE RK “Atameken” is the issue of preschool institutions, namely the problem faced by the kindergarden "Nur Shugila". In July-August 2014, during the inspection carried out by the inspection of financial control in the Kyzylorda region at Kyzylorda department of education, deficiencies in the targeted use of budget funds were revealed. In turn, Kyzylorda department of education filed a lawsuit in the Kyzylorda regional inter-district economic court to recover from the founder of the kindergarten "Nur Shugila" 58 312 200 tenge in order to eliminate the identified shortcomings. During the meeting of the Council, the entrepreneur Seitkali Alshynbaev said the following: "I have been working in this field since the introduction of the Balapan program. Almost 6 years. I put about 2 billion tenge into this program. Now in Kyzylorda there are 3 kindergartens with a total capacity of 860 seats. In addition, there is a kindergarten in the Almaty region, which is attended by more than 1,000 children, and about 500 citizens are provided with jobs. Kyzylorda Department of Education is our partner. But they filed a lawsuit against us. There was no offense on our part. The whole problem is that the accountant of the education department incorrectly filled in the payment order. In the end, we have been suffering about for 11 months now. "In addition, the heads of children's pre-school institutions expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that Kyzylorda department of education conducts monthly checks under the pretext of "monitoring".

They said that this is a huge obstacle to normal work. Regarding this issue, Bolat Palymbetov, the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of RK, noted that the relationship between them is based on public-private partnership. "With public-private partnership, first of all, there must be certain rules of work, that is, equal requirements must be established for both parties. "Monitoring", about which you just spoke, also refers to inspections. Therefore, to avoid such a debate, the Ministry of Education and Science should develop and approve special rules. If there are no such rules, you will make your suggestions and recommendations, and we, in turn, will bring them to the Ministry", - said Bolat Palymbetov. As it turned out, right before the meeting of the Council, the trial between Kyzylorda department of education and the entrepreneur was decided in favor of the entrepreneur.


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