
NCE continues to improve its position in the Doing Business rating

- City of Almaty
6317 просмотров

NCE plans to enter the top ten by the indicator "Obtaining a building permit" from 30th of March to 1st of April 2017, the Interdepartmental Working Group on the indicator "Obtaining a building permit" was held at the site of the Almaty office in the permanent office-headquarters of Doing Business . As you know, over the last three years, Kazakhstan has improved its position by 130 points, rising from 152 to 22 places - all due to a drastic reduction in the processes and time for passing the expertise of construction projects by introducing the principle of "one window", excluding state commissions when accepting objects in Operation, as well as optimization of individual procedures for obtaining initial authorization documents for construction.

On the instructions of the Government, the recommendations of international experts on the implementation of the inspection system "One Window" have been modeled at three construction sites in Almaty, whose entrepreneurs today are World Bank respondents. A group of representatives of NCE, the Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of the Ministry of Investment and Development, as well as the sectoral departments of the Almaty akimat (state architectural and construction control, emergency situations, consumer protection, state labor inspection and migration) visited the following Construction sites: complex for servicing and selling cars with administrative buildings "; Office and trade building; hotel with public service facilities. During the video and photo fixation of these building sites, entrepreneurs noted that the representatives of the authorized regulatory and supervisory authorities did not visit construction sites.


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