
How to sell a franchise?

- City of Almaty
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The Franch day was held In Almaty. The organizers invited the general director of LLP “INVITRO-Kazakhstan” Alexander Timofeev and independent legal adviser Klavdiya Esenshulova for the second meeting. Guests shared the secrets of building a franchise network, talked about the key standards of doing business and how to conclude properly an agreement with the franchisor. "Today, we have more than 900 medical offices in five countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia. We give franchise only the right to accept bio-materials. Then it is transported to the laboratory. All the research is done by ourselves. In total, we have 10 laboratories, three of which are in Kazakhstan. Of the 40 medical offices "Invitro" in our country, six are franchised. Our partners buy one office for themselves, then develop it, buy a second, third and give their children. After all, we are selling a ready-made business plan. These are proven successful methods of work. This is customer loyalty to the brand", - said Alexandera Timofeeva. According to the director of Invitro-Kazakhstan, their company supports its partners constantly: it shares its methods of calculating profitability, provides consulting services, servicing, helps with the choice of location, training of personnel, purchase of consumables, and transportation of bio-materials. And thus we show the trust to the brand. "When our company achieved some success, we faced the question of how to make the network recognizable, to cover as much of the territory as possible. We decided to sell the franchise. We thought our proposal so that our partner believed that this business was successful", - said Timofeeva. Speakers of the meeting noted that when acquiring a franchise, it is better to agree that royalties are not deducted as a percentage of profits, but as a fixed amount. And if there is no profit, then so that royalties could not be paid a franchise is better to acquire at the very beginning. The more popular the brand, the more expensive it is. President of the Kazakhstan Franchising Association "Kaz Franch" Beknur Kisikov noted that franchising, during the economic crisis is one of the safest business options. The director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov reminded the participants of the meeting that there are a number of state programs to support start-up businessmen, which you can find out from consultants in the Business Support Centers.

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