
Timur Kulibayev: "Unjustified customs clearance of Kazakhstani road carriers should be canceled"

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The head of NCE RK "Atameken" instructed to develop a mechanism in the transport control system

Today in Astana was held a working meeting of the Committee for Logistics and Transportation of the National Councils chaired by Timur Kulibayev. The head of the Presidium of NCE "Atameken" set priorities for the work of transport control, instructed to resolve issues of domestic carriers and to help agricultural producers to promote their goods for export. The importance of the work of the Committee, including rail, road, water transport, civil aviation and transport logistics, was noted by the head of the Presidium of NCE Timur Kulibayev, recalling that the goals of the Committee fully fit the idea of ​​the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to form the largest Central Asian business transit hub on the territory of Kazakhstan, through unification of all main continental transport corridors. Moreover, this Committee in its activities covers and represents about 20% of the market share of the country's road transport and about 90% in other modes of transport. Chairman of the Committee Kanat Alpysbaev noted the positive dynamics of the contribution of the transport and logistics industry to the GDP of RK by 3.7% in 2016 compared to 2015. The volume of transit freight by road in 2014 is 1.4 million tenge, in 2015 - 1.2 million tenge, and in 2016 it increased by 28.3% to the level of 2015 and amounted to 1.5 million tenge. The share of Kazakhstan carriers in the total volume of international road transport increased by 46.4%, exceeding the threshold set by the state program for the development and integration of the infrastructure of the transport system of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016, a threshold of 40%. And the share of Kazakhstani operators in the volume of import shipments to Kazakhstan was 53%. A strong growth last year was observed in the field of transshipment of vehicles in the port of Aktau. If the number of cargoes in 2015 was 1671 units, then in 2016 it reached 13518 units. Undoubtedly, this is the influence of geopolitics on the development of cargo delivery routes, in particular, with last year's sanctions of neighboring Russia against Ukraine and Turkey. And despite the warming in the relations between Russia and Turkey, the goods from the latter do not decrease. According to Kanat Alpysbaev, the dynamics of growth will obviously continue: this year, according to experts, the figure of cargo traffic will reach 14700 units. The main container freight traffic driver is the direction of China-Europe-China. Last year, more than one hundred thousand containers were transported, which is twice as much as a year earlier. However, the overall dynamics of freight turnover and transit transport by rail has declined for the past five years for a number of reasons. There are many problematic issues in the field of road transport. One of the most urgent is the lack of transport control, which brought the corruption component in the sphere of production to the first place. As a result of optimization, transport control posts decreased to 4 stationary and 37 mobile. It is required to automate the posts of transport control in order to exclude the human factor. Another important problem was noted: discrimination by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation of the TIR system when domestic carriers transported goods from third countries to Kazakhstan via Russia, with which the National Chamber and the Logistics and Transportation Committee "fought" for more than a year. Formally, the problem was solved at the level of the heads of government of both countries. But in fact, Kazakhstan's cargo carriers unreasonably apply measures of customs inspection. It occurs twice - at the entrance to the territory of the Russian Federation and before the border of Kazakhstan. A stumbling block was the inclusion of TIR Carnet in the risk management system. The head of NCE RK "Atameken" instructed to develop a mechanism in the system of transport control in general. And in particular, for the weighty parameters of vehicles, to fix legislatively the standards in terms of issuing a special permit for an undivided cargo, without exceeding axle loads to ensure the safety of the roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is necessary to achieve a positive resolution of the issue of abolishing unjustified customs clearance of Kazakhstani international road hauliers through the Business Council of the EEC. Taking into account all the measures that are taken in agriculture as a driver of growth and promotion of domestic products at the international market, the National Chamber of Atameken, in conjunction with the national company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, as a system operator for export cargo transportation, was instructed to hold a meeting with agricultural producers who want and can offer their products for promotion to international markets.


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