
Control of fire safety, responsibility of firefighters

4013 просмотров

NCE RK "Atameken" believes that the control over the provision of fire safety of buildings should be carried out by the authorized body in the field of civil protection, without expanding the competence of the housing inspection. Given the importance of the issue, we ask you to participate actively in public hearings on 10th of April 2017 to discuss the proposals of the Ministry of Investment and Development RK and visit the website of the Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of MID RK. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by 25th of August 2014 No. 898 "On Measures for Delimitation of Powers between different levels of State regulation” the functions on the control over the observance of the requirements on safe operation of dangerous technical devices, as well as balloon gas for domestic and household consumers should be put on the local executive bodies. The authorized body, by the relevant amendments to the legislative acts, suggests the creation of housing and technical inspections on the basis of housing inspections. NCE opposes this initiative, since the existing housing inspectorates have functions for managing the housing stock and the property of the condominium facility. In this connection, the assignment of authority to this type of inspectorate to monitor compliance with the safety requirements for the operation of dangerous technical devices, as well as balloon gas by household and household consumers, does not correlate with the principles of their activities. To implement this competence, the developer proposes to strengthen the qualification requirements for officials of the housing inspection, thereby, to expand their powers. However, special education and experience are needed for this task. The developer replaces the existing functions of the complex non-departmental expertise and technical supervision that analyze the design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction (re-planning, re-equipment), including for the used building materials, laboratory research, and also duplicate functions of certified specialists In the field of industrial safety. For today, there is already an institute of civil protection, in the function of state supervision in the field of industrial safety of which the powers to ensure fire safety under the Law on Civil Protection have already been included. Taking into account the importance of the issue, we ask you to take an active part in the discussion of the proposals of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and visit the website of the Committee for Construction and Housing of MID RK at the following link, There is also a draft law submitted to NCE for an expert opinion in the attachment. Please send your suggestions by e-mail. Contacts of the Department of Construction of NCE



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