
Timur Kulibayev instructed to draw up a Register of suppliers and manufacturers of the construction industry

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According to official statistics, the number of entities engaged in the industry is over 60,000, while the market coverage by associations is low. the working meeting of the Committee for Construction, Manufacture of Building Materials and Housing and Communal Services under the chairmanship of the head of the Presidium of NCE RK Timur Kulibayev was held on the site of NCE RK “Atameken” today. Despite the systematically delivered work of the construction industry in Kazakhstan, which is relatively well developed, there are problems. For example, land issues related to the construction industry. According to the Chairman of the Committee Alexander Belovitch, the analysis of the Regulations on Land Commissions in 14 regions and cities of Astana and Almaty showed: the lack of a unified approach to the list and content of the functions of land commissions and the inclusion of representatives of business that are not related to the construction sector. NCE RK "Atameken" carried out relevant work and recently the proposals of NCE on the development of the Model Regulations on Land Commission were adopted. Important solutions for business - the opportunity to participate in land commissions. In addition, referring to the forthcoming activities in 2017, several areas are identified. In particular, this concerns that Nurly Zher Program, which takes into account the principles of activating housing construction proposed by NCE on a number of issues: subsidizing mortgages with the goal of providing affordable housing for economically active people, encouraging the construction of housing by private developers, additional incentives for the development of individual housing construction.

Partly taken into account the proposals of NCE on developing mechanisms for treasury support for public procurement in the construction sector. In December 2016, NCE voiced the position that there was no need to open special accounts in the treasury bodies by all suppliers and proposed an optimal scheme for this issue - the opening of special accounts only on the "chain": "Customer - General Contractor - Subcontractor". Since March 2017, 3 pilot projects have been launched in Astana, Karaganda and Akmola regions. To date, the existing legislation has been adapted for all participants of the construction process in the framework of the implementation of "pilot" projects. At the same time, additional questions of the participants of the construction sector in the procedures will be solved as the "pilots" are realized. The process of passing the "pilots" is under constant control of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Questions in the field of public procurement raise big issues among entrepreneurs in the regions. A clear problem is the dumping introduced into the legislation, which allows individual providers of construction services to reduce the price down to 0.1 KZT. The problem of imperfection of the pricing system, which does not take into account real market prices in construction. It also requires special attention. On the order and quality of development of the design and estimate documentation, NCE on its site created a permanent working group. To apply adequate prices in construction, Atameken intends to work with state bodies to establish a supplier register, which will take into account domestic producers, and in the future - importers and distributors. The register will become a reliable unified base both for the purpose of forming accurate statistics, and for a realistic pricing policy in construction, and will be a convenient platform for all participants in the construction process. Head of the National Council Timur Kulibayev instructed to work out all the problem issues with the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The instructions concern the following: The Construction Committee of NCE should prepare proposals on transferring certain functions of JSC KazNIISA to a competitive environment, taking into account the capabilities of industry associations and companies. Taking into account the multiplicity of legislative and regulatory legal acts in the sphere of construction, NCE needs to work out the issue of preparation of the Industry Code in the field of architecture, construction and urban development. The Chairman of the Presidium also instructed the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs to analyze the construction sector within the state procurement in the last five years to compile a list of winning companies. According to official statistics, the number of entities involved in the industry is over 60,000. At the same time, the coverage of the market by associations is not high. In this regard, for discussion of the issue with the leadership of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to bring up the issue of creating SROs in the construction sector and transferring some of the state functions to a competitive environment.



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