
"Pilots" will show transparency in the state procurements of the construction sector

- City of Astana
5606 просмотров

Today, on 14th of April 2017 at the site of NCE "Atameken" was held a business meeting with the authorized body in the field of finance for treasury support of public procurement in the construction sector. The meeting was opened by a member of the Management Board, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NCE Atameken Eldos Ramazanov, informing that according to the participation scheme "Customer-Contractor-Subcontractor" four construction "pilot projects" were launched in Astana, Akmola and Karaganda regions. "This meeting can be called the second public hearing on this issue. At the first large-scale meeting on 28th of March 2017, state authorities needed to develop a package of amendments to the by-laws that have been adopted to date", - noted the Deputy Chairman. In his turn, Vice Minister of Finance of RK Berik Sholpankulov said that "the ministry managed to be defended not all the wishes of business, since amendments are required at the level of laws. But an instruction was given to launch the institute of treasury support, it was decided not to delay the begun process".  Also, Berik Sholpankulov appealed to the business with a request to use reasonable competitive ways of participating in procurement, noting that the "pilots" are under the control of the Government, the Committee for Construction and Housing Affairs of MID RK and law enforcement agencies who may questions during the construction process. Their authority for the quality of construction. "After accepting the contract works, a supervisor will issue a payment certificate, which for the treasury bodies is the only document for crediting funds to the account", - added the vice-minister. All issues that will arise will be promptly solved in a point-by-point fashion, for which the responsible persons were identified from all authorized state bodies and NCE Atameken. "Based on the results of the pilot projects, it is planned to identify all the "weak points" in the organization of the construction process and come up with proposals to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the need for adjustments to the current legislation", - summed up the Vice Minister of Finance. On the part of NCE RK they were assured of their readiness to work out all the steps in the course of the implementation of the "pilots". "We will take a comprehensive approach to the problems of the construction community and reduce costs for business, which were announced at today's meeting. The branch of the construction department of NCE Atameken will register all the questions of entrepreneurs that may arise during the implementation of the "pilots" on treasury escorts in the online mode", - said Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Eldos Ramazanov. The National Parliament earlier, before the introduction of this project at the discussion stage, repeatedly proposed to exclude the provision that provides for anti-dumping measures in the implementation of public procurement in a competitive way. As it allows to fall as much as possible in price, up to one tenge, which, in the final analysis, affects the quality of construction works and creates conditions for unfair competition.

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