
The project of the Single Digital Platform for Business was presented in Astana

- City of Astana
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Single digital business platform – is all services and support measures in one application. On 20th of April 2017 in the building of AB "Emerald Quarter" was held a meeting of the working group on the development of a concept for creating an open digital platform for small and medium businesses. The head of the working group was Nurzhan Altayev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

"As it was noted in the address of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on 31st of January 2017, today it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of IT-technologies and modernization of business structures. NCE RK "Atameken" together with JSC "Kazakhtelecom" started work on creation of open digital platform for small and medium business. This platform will unite all available databases, which will really simplify the processes connected with registration, various legal aspects of business activity, as well as the interrelation of business structures with state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan", - said Nurzhan Bauyrzhanovich. The Asel Urazbekova, Executive Director of LLP "Center for Monitoring and Market Examination" of NCE "Atameken" promoted the project. Asel Agynovna presented the draft concept of the "Single digital platform for SMEs".

"The main goal of launching an open digital platform for small and medium-sized businesses is to increase the competitiveness, productivity of the domestic SMEs by providing ICT tools in the form of services and applications on a "single window" principle, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of digitalization of SMEs. When developing the draft concept, we took into account the world experience, which allowed us to reach a more global approach to this issue ... LLP "CMME" NCE RK "Atameken" conducted a large-scale market analysis and according to the analysis as of 01.03.2017 the number of SMEs decreased more than 5% compared to the same period in 2016. Based on this analysis, we can conclude that at present the business needs to introduce new technologies", noted Asel Urazbekova during the presentation. The meeting was attended by deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of state authorities, JSC Samruk Kazyna, JSC Kazakhtelecom, JSC Kazpost and IT companies of Astana.

At the end of the presentation, a discussion of the draft concept of the "Single digital platform for SMEs" was held, during which participants made their suggestions on improving the quality of the platform. Reference: The developer of the platform is the Consortium, whose members are: JSC Kazakhtelecom and National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK Atameken. The platform is a system of online services for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The digital platform will include the entire telecommunications and computing base with the use of the most advanced technologies, which are today the main world trends. The ICT products developed on the platform will be provided to the business in the form of services implemented on the principle of a "single window". Such a model is attractive for business, as it excludes capital costs for the creation and implementation of information systems and the acquisition of equipment. The purpose of the Open Digital Business Platform is to provide the SMEs with affordable services necessary to achieve optimal labor productivity, lower production costs and further business development.

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