
Problems of Kazakhstani carriers will be discussed at the meeting of EEC Council

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On 28th of April 2017 will be held the regular meeting of the EEC Council

The agenda consists of 17 issues that are aimed at deepening the integration processes, as well as the solution of existing barriers in the EAEU. Within the framework of the meeting, the members of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission will discuss the issue of customs control at the checkpoint “Verkhny Lars”. This issue is considered at the initiative of NCE RK "Atameken", in view of the requests of domestic cargo carriers.

DEI recalls that the issue of discriminatory approach in relation to Kazakhstani carriers following the territory of the Russian Federation with the application of the TIR Carnet has been repeatedly raised by the Chamber.

According to the Union of International Road Carriers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the customs post of “Verkhny Lars” of the North Ossetian Customs, when a TIR carnet is presented to Kazakhstani carriers, a 100 percent double inspection is applied at each monitoring stage.

One of the issues, the adoption of a decision that will have a positive impact on business, is the Regulation of the EEC Council on the Interaction of the Member States of the EAEU in the event of application of special economic measures by a member state unilaterally. It should be noted that the initiative on the need for mutual notification of the countries of the Union in the introduction of unilateral measures was announced by the Chamber within the framework of the meeting of the Presidium of the EAEU Business Council in May 2016, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Kulibayev TA. During the meeting of the business communities of the five countries of the EAEU, the Address of the Presidium of the Business Council to the Members of the Council of the ECE was signed on the need to develop a mechanism for interaction when applying special economic measures by one of the member states of the Union. In the event that the final document is adopted, the member state of the EAEU, when imposing restrictions, will notify the partners in the Union, as well as hold consultations. This provision will allow carriers of Member States that have not joined the restrictive measures to minimize the risks of introducing such measures by one of the members of the Union.

It is also planned to approve orders on sending to the intergovernmental approval of the draft Agreement on the mechanism of traceability of goods within the framework of the EAEU. DEI notes that the document is aimed at confirming the legality of the turnover of goods when they are moved in the framework of mutual trade between the member states of the Union. At the same time, the document, including the initiative of NCE, provides for an item that establishes the possibility of determining other cases in respect of which the provisions of the Agreement are not applied provided that such goods are circulated on the territory of a Member State.

The Council of EEC will also consider the issue of non-acceptance of conformity assessment documents for customs declaration of goods when crossing the customs border of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, NCE raised this barrier as a non-compliance with the provisions of EAEU Treaty by the Russian side. Based on the results of the negotiations of the authorized state bodies, the Council intends to adopt an instruction of the Commission for Ensuring the Observance of the EAEU Law in the field of technical regulation on the external customs border of the Union.

During the meeting of EEC Council, the report "On the formation of the digital agenda of the EAEU" will also be heard. In turn, DEI notes that this issue is a new area of cooperation within the Union and requires careful study due to different levels of informatization development, as well as the need to take into account the plans for the development of digitalization of the countries of the Union.

In addition, during the meeting of the Council, the issues "On the amount of ensuring the fulfillment of the duties of the customs representative", the Action Plan for the implementation of the Basic Directions for the development of the Single Window mechanism, as well as the draft Agreement on the provision of pensions for workers of the member states of the Union will be considered.

The Department of Economic Integration of NCE "Atameken" reminds that on all issues related to Eurasian integration you can contact the Department by calling 919 373 or e-mail

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