
The quality of laws will allow our state to be stable - Timur Kulibayev

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The quality of laws will allow our state to be stable, this is extremely important for businessmen

"On behalf of the Head of State, there is a discussion of amending the Tax Code. The Prime Minister of the RK gave instructions to the Minister of Economy and Finance to work out this issue with Atameken. We want the deputies to be immediately involved in the discussion. If the deputy corps has any suggestions, comments, they should be taken into account immediately so that the quality of our laws is already high during the discussion. The quality of laws will allow our legislation to be stable, it is extremely important for entrepreneurs", - said Timur Kulibayev, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

"Investment activities can’t be calculated without a clear understanding of how the Tax, Environmental, Customs Codes will work(...)", - added Timur Kulibayev.

The head of NCE "Atameken" reported that in the Administrative Code over the past three years, 500 changes were introduced, 2500 changes in the Tax Code over nine years, 500 changes in the Environmental Code.

"It is clear that in such circumstances it is almost impossible to plan long-term investments. Any investment requires an understanding of what the economic environment will look like in the future, and, of course, this requires a good economic vision of the Government. It should give us a long-term vision of budgetary, tariff, tax policy. The National Bank should give us its vision on monetary policy", - concluded the head of NCE RK "Atameken ".


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