
The main directions of fiscal policy exist in all developed countries, except Kazakhstan - Timur Kulibayev

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Entrepreneurs should clearly understand the load that awaits this or that branch of the economy, what will be the tax potential in the next 3-4 years

The Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev in his speech at the enlarged Assembly of the Fraction of "Nur Otan" party with the participation of NCE RK "Atameken" "On development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan", noted that the key factor of entrepreneurship development is the presence of medium-term economic policy contours in respect of four elements: monetary policy, tariff policy, fiscal policy, budgetary policy.

 “In the absence of clear parameters (KPI) in these documents, it is impossible to plan a business, to calculate investments. Entrepreneurs should clearly understand what kind of fiscal and non-fiscal burden awaits another branch of the economy, what will be the tax potential in the next 3-4 years. The main directions of fiscal policy exist in all developed countries, except Kazakhstan. Any changes to the budget for the current and medium term should not be made if they go beyond the parameters of fiscal policy", - believes the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK.

Documents should be discussed with civil society. According to Timur Kulibayev, business needs clear, definite rules of the game. And any adjustments in sectoral concepts or strategies should correspond with these four politicians.

"Any changes that affect the tax, customs, criminal and administrative codes should be conducted no more than once a year. Moreover, the adoption of these changes should be no later than, say, the first of July, and the introduction into action - at least six months later, i.e. from 1st of January of the following year. The entrepreneur should be able to adapt to the new rules of the game, to study them in detail. There should be a legislative ban on amending the above codes with accompanying laws. It is these approaches that will create a friendly, non-aggressive atmosphere for business", - summed up Timur Kulibayev.

The Chairman of the Mazhlis of the Parliament of RK Nurlan Nigmatulin also noted the need to strengthen cooperation in drafting laws aimed at solving problems of domestic business, holding public hearings, round tables, expert discussions, and introduce joint visits to the regions of deputies of the Mazhilis and representatives of Atameken".

"After all, we have one goal, tasks are common. And it is important that we jointly solve these problems. Parliament - providing legislative support for the development of domestic business, and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" - expert, advisory support in discussing bills within the walls of the Parliament. It is such a constructive system approach that will allow us to efficiently fulfill the President's goal of bringing the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the country's GDP to at least 50% by 2050", - concluded the Chairman of the Mazhilis.

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