
Entrepreneurs need a law on organized industrial zones - Timur Kulibayev

- City of Shymkent
5548 просмотров

It is difficult for entrepreneurs to develop business in industrial zones without a clear regulation at the legislative level

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev met with businessmen of the South-Kazakhstan region to discuss problems of local business. At the regional akimat was held an enlarged meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region with the participation of the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Ablay Myrzakhmetov, akim of the region Zhanseit Tuimebayev, members of the Regional Council, heads of law enforcement bodies, representatives of business associations, banks and financial institutions, commodity producers.

The first question on the agenda was related to industrial zones. In the SKR there is a record number of industrial zones in the country 11, not counting the Special Economic Zone. It would seem, come in business, and open own manufactures. But to date, this situation has developed: to work in these territories, a businessman needs to collect 68 signatures (!). The Akimats, who own the industrial zones, would be happy to help them deploy their factories as soon as possible, but here they are powerless: the necessary observance of all necessary procedures connects not only businessmen but also local executive bodies.

"Help with the adoption of the relevant law and the definition of a clear legal status of industrial zones", - the entrepreneurs of Southern Kazakhstan asked Timur Kulibayev about this and many other things.

Entrepreneurs also complained about the high cost of energy in the region. The current tariff for electricity is the highest in the country. It is becoming a disastrous factor for business. In SKR, there are a lot of enterprises, 30-50% of the cost of production of which is the cost of electricity.

Moreover, domestic producers, in connection with the current problem, are thinking about transferring their production facilities to other regions or outside the RK. The same applies to commodity gas, which is more expensive in the South-Kazakhstan region than in Moscow - 31 tenge per cube! If nothing changes, then the South Kazakhstan products simply can’t compete with products from Uzbekistan, where electricity is 8 tenge per kW, and gas is even cheaper.

Now that relations with the neighboring state are improving, economic ties are expanding, an influx of Uzbek products into our country is expected. South-Kazakhstan region is the first on the way of Uzbek goods, therefore competitiveness of local production is one of the most important for the business of South Kazakhstan. Entrepreneurs asked for support from the state in resolving this issue.

The third important issue is the simplification of the Tax Code. Entrepreneurs are asking to make it understandable and intelligible. There are 36 types of taxes in the Kazakh tax legislation, which makes it cumbersome and incomprehensible. As a result, the same businessmen suffer.

The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" assured that all the issues raised will be discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of NCE and they will personally monitor the decision of the raised issues.

Noting at the same time that the priority in the work of the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs is still to ensure effective protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and the promotion of the Regional Business Development Map that defines the trends and prospects for the development of entrepreneurship in the region.

"The main task that we set before our Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs is to learn how to conduct a professional dialogue with local executive bodies. In the SKR, everything is in order: the local authorities are on the side of business. There is complete understanding of each other. With the akim of the region, we came to a decision to identify 10-15 projects for processing and revitalizing idle enterprises, in which once considerable funds were invested. It is necessary to find out what resources are needed and what procedures to conduct. I promise to personally supervise them", - summed up Timur Kulibayev.

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