
Timur Kulibayev National Bank should take proactive position

- Zhambyl Region
5596 просмотров

The rate of the Central Bank of Russia is 9.25%, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan should give even lower

The rate of the Central Bank of Russia is 9.25%, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan should give even lower. The chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" stated this at a meeting with entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region.

According to him, the monetary policy pursued by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan today affects the stability of economic conditions in general. The National Bank of Kazakhstan, being in the Single Economic Space with the Russian Federation, correlates the rate, depending on the Central Bank of Russia.

"The only thing we call on our Central Bank to be a little more active, even proactive", said Timur Kulibayev. - If today the rate of the Central Bank of Russia is 9.25%, we should give even lower, so that our entrepreneurs have at least some advantage".

The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia on 28th of April 2017 decided to reduce the key rate to 9.25% per annum.

We will add that during the meeting of Timur Kulibayev with entrepreneurs of the region problems and perspective directions of support of regional business were discussed. In particular, the key barriers in the region for business were announced: access to financial resources, problems with the sale of products, access to infrastructure and a shortage of qualified specialists.

LLP Microfinance organization Atameken Taraz, which was created last year by NCE RK Atameken and Akimat of Zhambyl region has already issued 34 loans in the amount of 265 million tenge. Today, the MFO has a pool of 109 applications for a total of 925 million tenge. With a view to the availability of financial resources for small businesses in the countryside and start-up projects, it is proposed to increase the amount of funding for MFOs under the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship to 700 million tenge, and also to lay funding for the subsequent years in the amount of not less than 1 billion KZT.

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