
A conscientious entrepreneur should be at the center of attention - Timur Kulibayev

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A conscientious entrepreneur should be at the center of the attention of the state, the press and society

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev visited the enterprises of Almaty region on a working visit and met with businessmen to discuss the problems of the region. In Taldykorgan the Chairman of the Presidium held an extended meeting with the participation of the regional akim Amandyk Batalov, members of the Regional Council, heads of law enforcement agencies, representatives of business associations, banks and financial institutions, commodity producers.

A conscientious entrepreneur should become the center of state care, Timur Kulibayev said in his speech.

"We continue to work seriously with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan to reduce the control and supervision functions of state bodies. Out of 28,000 supervisory functions of entrepreneurs, two-thirds will be cut, the remaining ones will be administered in the interests of business. We want a conscientious entrepreneur to be at the center of state policy. A conscientious entrepreneur should become the center of state care. Such an entrepreneur should be at the center of attention of the press and society", - believes Timur Kulibayev.

 Timur Kulibayev notes that thanks to the support of the Head of State, Atameken is actively working to amend the current Tax Code to ensure favorable conditions for doing business for bona fide entrepreneurs, and that some of the tax deductions from SMEs remain in the region itself. In this case, local authorities will have an incentive to create conditions for business development.

"We notice a lot of appeals on the problems faced by entrepreneurs in tax administration. To protect entrepreneurs from illegal inspections, to protect their interests in courts with tax authorities or other courts. To this end, we have submitted our proposals to the ministries. (...) NCE will present expert opinion, defend in courts and continue this work in support of honest entrepreneurs", - said the Chairman of the Presidium.

Let's note that there are over 118 thousand business entities in Almaty region, out of them 97 thousand or 82% are in rural areas. 

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