
Timur Kulibayev Tax deductions from SMEs should lead to the development of business itself

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This measure will increase the interest of local executive bodies

an expanded meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Almaty region with the participation of Timur Kulibayev, Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" was held in Taldykorgan.

The head of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs drew the attention of the akimat and the business community to support of domestic producers.

Atameken will provide maximum support to domestic producers. The head of state set the task to develop non-primary sectors of the economy, and, of course, this concerns commodity producers. Any investor, when he opens an object, becomes a domestic producer. Thus, the issue of employment is being solved, and taxes are being received", - explains Timur Kulibayev.

According to the Chairman of the Presidium, local executive bodies need to give preference to regional producers when making purchases.

Speaking about the support of the domestic entrepreneur, Timur Kulibayev cited the example of the constructed Tekeli highway, which has been functioning for more than 7 years, and at the same time is not inferior in quality to well-known foreign companies. The Chairman of the Presidium believes that this work of domestic producers is credible.

"Regional chambers need to compile a list of domestic commodity producers, which should be in akimats. When drawing up orders, we will need to focus on local producers", - emphasized Timur Kulibayev.

In addition, the Chairman of the Presidium noted that Atameken had proposed that part of the tax deductions from SMEs should remain in the region itself. This will increase the interest of local executive bodies in the development of SMEs in the regions.

"Akimats and maslikhats will deal with the issues of entrepreneurs in order to create a taxable base here. In general, Atameken will provide a dialogue between business and local executive bodies", - said Timur Kulibayev.

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