
The principle of "one window" in the examination of construction projects will simplify the stages of agreement

- City of Astana
8863 просмотров

A working meeting on the issues of non-departmental expertise of construction projects was held in the National Chamber

  On 12th of May a working meeting was held on the site of NCE RK "Atameken" under the chairmanship of a member of the Management Board - Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Yeldos Ramazanov, on the issues of non-departmental expertise of construction projects involving central and local state bodies, associations and companies.

 In February this year was introduced a number of changes in the issues of environmental impact assessment. To be more precise: the transfer of competence on environmental review of construction projects (feasibility study and design documentation), namely the materials of the Pre-EIA and EIA from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to the exclusive competence of the RSE "State expertise" of the Committee for Construction and Housing of MID RK.

"However, in practice, the system showed the presence of contradictions, creating administrative barriers and negative consequences for business. The businessmen themselves declared this, who experienced this system in practice", - said the Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK.

For example, the law did not regulate the conduct of environmental expertise of projects. Establishment of emission standards remained in the competence of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in connection with which the nature user has to develop the project (EIA) twice to obtain an opinion in the State Examination and to determine emission standards already in the Ministry of Energy.

Thus, the authorized body in the field of environmental protection - the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has been removed from consideration of pre-design and design decisions, which leads to serious investment risks for business entities, since after obtaining the opinion of the "State Expertise" and construction of the facility, the Ministry of Energy may not agree draft standards on emissions.

In turn, during the meeting, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" proposed and presented a single portal project, to which all interested authorities will be connected.

When the project is received on a single portal, the bodies are given 45 working days, during which each body should review the project and give their comments, the customer in turn processes all comments with the experts of the organization, then the body forms a summary conclusion in which there will be all necessary permits for construction and further operation of the facility.

This principle of "one window" will free the entrepreneur from having to apply to all bodies and accordingly the terms of the examination will be significantly reduced. In addition, it reduces the financial burden of entrepreneurs, as well as administrative barriers.

The changes presented by Atameken are based on the proposals of the oil and gas and mining and metallurgical sectors, as well as the Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"The creation of this system of project appraisal will allow businesses to have a simple and clear picture when designing, constructing and operating new facilities, as well as obtaining guarantees from government agencies that the projects meet all the requirements of current legislation and public policy", - concluded Deputy Chairman of the Board Eldos Ramazanov.

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