
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan discussed the problematic issues with the business community of Kostanay region

- Kostanay Region
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Bakytzhan Sagintayev met with the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs during his visit to Kostanay region.

During the conversation with the business community, the Prime Minister of the RK drew the attention of the heads of Kostanay companies to the growth points that open within the framework of the Third Modernization of the country's economy. Bakhytzhan Sagintayev called on entrepreneurs to take an active part in working together to improve the business environment. To support domestic enterprises, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan has established the purchase of domestic furniture and light industry products. This year, new approaches will be implemented in the sphere of procurement of the quasi-public sector, natural monopolies and subsoil use.

Work continues on increasing the share of local content and improving the business climate. In the legislative part, the number of tax inspections will be reduced by 40%. It is planned to cancel more than 30 out-of-date sanitary rules, to make changes in 25 and to develop new sanitary rules for health and education organizations.

Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov added that the meeting of the business community with the Prime Minister became mandatory in the agenda of visiting all regions of Kazakhstan. This fact testifies to the state's interest in building a productive dialogue and joint intention to solve pressing issues.

"We constantly inform the regions about the work that the Government is doing with Atameken". We involve the Regional Council in the process, and this is a big business in different sectors. In each district the same advice was created to revitalize the work of entrepreneurs themselves. We want them to learn how to discuss their problems, fix them, systematize and make suggestions. Therefore, such a direct dialogue, is very important for business", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

The members of the Regional Council present at the meeting did not miss the opportunity to ask questions to the Prime Minister. The President of ULA "Association" Kostanay Munai Onimderi "Raphael Faizulin voiced the problem of mandatory installation of meters for the owners of oil products and filling stations. In his opinion, such a measure would not just be technically difficult, but too expensive for the money: the installation would cost to the company over 300 million tenge.

The director of the Association for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship Activity of the Kostanay Region Petrkh Sukhinin raised the issue of the statute of limitations for tax and customs disputes. In accordance with the Civil Code of Kazakhstan, it is 3 years, but the fact, in accordance with other RLAs, is applied for a five-year period. On behalf of the business, he asked to bring the time to a common denominator. Director of LLP "Zuevka" A. Borodin spoke about the impossibility of applying a special tax regime by peasant farms when carrying out other types of activities.

Bakytzhan Sagintayev instructed the profile ministry to review each of the problems in the field of taxation. According to him, all of them should be taken into account in the development and adoption of the new Tax Code.


Director of LLP "Aluminstroy" Abay Mukanov, director of LLP "BK-Story" Igor Kim, head of JSC "Kostanai Melkombinat" Alexander Miketka, general director of LLP "TPK Karasu" Almat Tursunov and president of JSC "SSPO" Bereke Mukhametkaliev voiced their questions at the meeting. The questions were answered by the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan T. Suleimenov, the First Vice-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Aituganov, the Vice Minister of Finance of the RK B. Sholpankulov, and the Vice Minister of Investment and Development R. Sklyar.

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