
The task is to make the legislation friendly to entrepreneurs - Timur Kulibayev

- West Kazakhstan Region
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Timur Kulibayev and business community of WKR discussed problematic issues

Problems and questions of entrepreneurs were discussed at an expanded meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Uralsk with the participation of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev with the business community of the region.

"Atameken" is an effective dialogue platform for discussing urgent issues, stressed the head of the Presidium of the National Chamber Timur Kulibayev. Today, the whole business community has access to it. There are support centers in 180 districts of the country, their goal is to fully provide feedback between the government and business.

"For 4 years, we have identified all the priority areas of the Chamber, this is the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities, improving the business environment, ensuring the availability of finance, infrastructure and markets, the development of human capital, business support services, etc. ", - said the Chairman of the Presidium.

The work is on in all these areas in WKR. This was clarified by the director of the regional chamber Nurlan Kairshin: "If there are about 37 thousand business entities in the region today, then almost three times more people are engaged in entrepreneurship. The revenues to the treasury from business increased by 36%. For the decision of the problems businessmen actively address to the chamber. Last year, there were 163 such complaints, and almost half of them were resolved positively. In monetary terms - the property rights of businessmen are protected for 565 million tenge".

Business subjects are concerned with land issues, licensing procedures for construction in the regions, tax inspections and public procurement issues. Timur Kulibayev emphasized that it is precisely these issues that Atameken is currently focusing on. As a result of the audit, the number of permits has been reduced from 1115 to 316, almost 2/3.

"This year, on behalf of the Head of State, the audit of the control and supervision functions of state bodies was started jointly with the Government. In the whole, 61 agencies are monitoring and supervising the country. Preliminary analysis showed that these departments have 512 control functions in various fields and more than 28 thousand requirements to meet. Of these 28 thousand requirements, 11 thousand requirements are only in the sphere of sanitary control. The audit showed that 8 thousand requirements can be excluded. This work will be done before the end of this year, and more than half of the control and supervisory functions will be reduced", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Concerning the state procurement, the head of the National Chamber paid attention of the regional authorities to the fact that the support of domestic producers should always be a priority.

The issue of transparency and accessibility of these producers to public procurements and purchases of quasi-public sectors were also they key ones. If the enterprise produces high-quality services and products, then it must be supported. Including when compiling technical documentation.

"Why to import brick from outside, if it is produced by our producers", - believes the Chairman of the Presidium.

Timur Kulibayev noted and thanked the regional authorities and the business community for their active cooperation and expressed confidence that this format of work will certainly give impetus to further advancement of business in the region.

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