
It is necessary to expand micro-crediting in rural areas - Timur Kulibayev

- Mangistau Region
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The development of entrepreneurship in rural areas was discussed in Aktau

It is necessary to expand microcredits in rural areas. This was stated by the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev at a meeting with the business community of Mangistau region, where akim of the region Eraly Tugzhanov was present.

Participants of the meeting raised key issues affecting the economic recovery of the region, including the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas.

Last year "Atameken" initiated and launched a pilot project on micro-crediting in 6 regions: in Almaty, Aktyubinsk, Kyzylorda, Mangistau, Zhambyl and Kostanay regions. The project was presented in the Government, the results of which were taken as a basis for developing a program of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship.

"More than one and a half billion tenge for MFO was allocated by holding group" ALMEX ", trading house" ERG "and" Kazakhmys ". The akimats of these regions have also allocated a similar amount, where their share in the LLP is 49%, and RCE is 51%", - specified Timur Kulibayev.

The main share of financial resources by borrowers was directed to the development of such sectors as: crop production (21.6%), livestock (37.6%) and services to the population (18.2%). At present, under the Program, loans are issued at 6% for up to 18 million KZT for up to 7 years. Within the program, 27 billion tenge was allocated for micro-crediting, out of which 16 billion KZT will be realized through JSC KazAgro, 11 billion KZT will be used for lending through MFO.

"As of May of this year out of allocated 3,296 million KZT, 676 applications for the amount of 3,625 million KZT were financed from the allocated funds, of which 91% have been disbursed. At the same time, MFO use a "soft" pledge policy, taking all movable and immovable property, land plots, agricultural machinery as a pledge", - explained the Chairman of the Presidium.

Timur Kulibayev also specified that the decision to grant a loan is made by the regional councils, which consist of a number of business representatives.

In turn, the Mangistau Chamber of Entrepreneurs added that during the implementation of the training program "Bastau Business", many appeals for micro-crediting are received by LLP MFO Atameken. Therefore, in order to successfully complete the "Bastau business" project, it is necessary to fund the LLP "Atameken MFO". In turn, the akimat of the region fully supported the initiative and is ready to work with the Chamber on funding LLP "Atameken MFO" in the near future.

Summing up, Timur Kulibayev noted the success of this project and the need to expand microcredit in rural areas through LLP MFO Atameken.

During the working trip the Chairman of the Presidium took part in the exhibition of products of entrepreneurs of the region and visited the Mangistau enterprise LLP "W DOS AGARGAN", which produces pasteurized camel milk and cocktails. The company was opened in 2017. The company employs 12 people, it is planned to expand the staff to 200 people. The company sells the goods in the market of the region, besides Kazakhstan the plant plans to export its products to the UAE and other countries of the world.


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