
Timur Kulibayev has the best experience of supporting entrepreneurship in Kyzylorda region

- Kyzylorda Region
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The chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev, who arrived to Kyzylorda on a working visit at the Regional meeting with the participation of the head of the region Krymbek Kusherbayev and representatives of the business community of the region, gave a positive assessment to the measures taken to develop and support entrepreneurship in the region.

Timur Kulibayev at the meeting noted that for all those who are authorized to address issues related to the opening and development of business, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and Centers for Servicing Entrepreneurs opened in the regional center and districts.

In Kyzylorda CSE have created conditions where it is possible to obtain information in electronic format on free land plots, on the availability of engineering networks, and through CSE, it is possible to obtain technical conditions and issue authorization documents on architecture and land issues. Akimat of Kyzylorda region allocated 50 million tenge and 30 million tenge for digitization of a database on land cadastre, gas, heat, electricity and water supply for the establishment of CSE.

"Your experience in supporting entrepreneurs and the interaction between the akimat and government agencies is on the right track. We are trying to ensure transparency and accessibility of the entire process for entrepreneurs", - said Timur Kulibayev.

The head of Atameken added that this experience on using the potential of domestic producers in public procurement will be extended.

We add that in order to promote domestic products and increase the share of local content in procurement of goods, works and services of state bodies, oil companies and quasi-public sector, in April 2016, a working commission was set up at the Chamber's initiative. Support was provided to 50 local companies in the production of building materials and light industry.

In 2016, according to the plan, 117.3 billion tenge was allocated, the Chamber carried out an analysis of purchases amounting to more than 70 billion tenge, of which almost 50 billion tenge or 67.5% is Kazakhstani content. A register of domestic producers has been compiled in the context of each district, including more than 200 TNA subjects.

"A high degree of interaction of business with state bodies has been achieved. These are changes in the legislation, this is the allocation of funds through entrepreneurship. Today, Atameken has become a full-fledged partner of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in support of business", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Following the meeting, the Chairman of the Presidium presented the honorable medal "Atameken" to the head of the region Krymbek Kusherbayev.

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