
Electronic and exchange markets of Kazakhstan need modernization

- City of Astana
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The need to develop a concept for the development of electronic and stock trading was stated by entrepreneurs

On 18th of May was held a meeting of the Committee of Trade of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" in the videoconference on the development of electronic and exchange trade. The session was moderated by the Chairman of the Committee of Trade of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Kairat Mazhibayev.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altayev delivered a welcoming speech to the assembled representatives of government agencies, industry associations, who raised the issue of the need to develop concepts for the development of electronic and stock trading.

In recent years, serious changes have been made in Kazakhstan in the sphere of regulating the commodity market of the country. However, the e-commerce market still does not adequately meet the requirements of the present.

"Analysis of publications on the problems of electronic commerce shows that their authors, while conducting a conversation on trade using information and communication technologies, use two different terms:" electronic commerce "and" electronic trade". Despite the fact that these terms are used quite often in business communication, and in various publications, there is no single approach to determining their content.

Let us note that in the official international legal documents the term "electronic commerce" (we officially translated as "electronic trade") is used in broad terms. The Model Law of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), endorsed by General Assembly resolution 51/162 of 16 December 1996, clarifies that "electronic commerce" should be interpreted broadly to cover issues arising from all commercial relations. These include, but are not limited to, the following transactions: any trade transactions for the supply of goods or services, distribution agreements, leasing, consulting, engineering, investment, banking, insurance, etc.

Whereas in the national legislation, e-commerce is understood to be entrepreneurial activity only for the sale of goods, carried out through information technology (Law No. 544 of 12 April 2004 on the regulation of trading activities). From which it follows that national legislation treats electronic commerce more narrowly and only in the context of the sale of goods.

The e-commerce market for 2015 was 155.7 billion tenge (about 700 million US dollars). But if we consider the entire e-commerce market, in addition to buying and selling goods, but also providing services (banking services, money transfer, communal payment, etc.), it amounted to 693.4 billion tenge", - said expert Orumbaev Adilbek.

E-commerce has long been a part of trade in general, and quite popular and preferred by individual citizens. For example, most of the online purchases are made by women, this is 64% (again according to the independent association) and they prefer clothes and cosmetics as a rule.

Speaking about the prospects for the growth of electronic commerce, it is necessary to cite data on the holders of payment cards, which are already over 14 million Kazakhstanis.

There are about 300 active online stores in the country

"Companies should have the opportunity to represent Kazakhstan in the world market", - said Kayrat Mazhibaev, Chairman of the Committee of Trade of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken".

During the discussion, it was decided that the members of the Committee will submit proposals to the Department of SME Development of NCE RK "Atameken" on the concept, the next stage will be work with the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In turn, a similar situation in the market of exchange trade. According to the associations that unite commodity exchanges, their activities have been in negative dynamics over the past three years. Over the past five years, the number of commodity exchanges has decreased from 23 to 9, respectively, the number of trades and deals is decreasing. The list of exchange commodities also decreased from 12 to 9. There is no economic interest not only among foreign buyers, but also among domestic entrepreneurs.

The global vision for the development of exchange trade was voiced by Kurmet Orazayev, Chairman of the Board of the JSC "Commodity Exchange" Eurasian Trade System". The concept of development of commodity exchange market of the country, developed jointly with all participants of exchange trade, is generally approved by the Committee of Trade.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Union of Commodity Exchanges of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Otan", Bulat Shaymanov also announced a number of proposals: "It is necessary to supplement the Resolution of the Government of RK "On Approving the List of Authorized Sources of Information on Market Prices" regarding the inclusion in this List of a new source of information". Official Internet resources of commodity exchanges of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Expand the existing list of exchange commodities and give a new list of goods purchased by state institutions through commodity exchanges of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, it is necessary to popularize commodity exchange trade, let's take advantage of the opportunities of the media and social networks", - suggested Bulat Shaymanov.

Following the discussion, representatives of commodity exchanges unanimously approved the submitted documents, after which it was decided to send them to the Ministry of National Economy as a consolidated opinion.

"A lot of different programs are adopted that stimulate entrepreneurship, but they always focus more on production, on industry. And trade is always left out, although trade is the main driver, the engine of the entire economy", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

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