
The main issue: The funds for subsidizing loans under the Road Map of Business 2020 have already ended in the first quarter

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On the rapid development and lack of funds to provide financial support

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" receive requests from the regional entrepreneurs on rapid development and a shortage of funds to provide financial support for the implementation of projects under the Single Business Support and Development Program "Business Road Map 2020" (hereinafter referred to as BRM 2020). In particular, entrepreneurs from South Kazakhstan region are signaling that the targeted transfers for the year, including subsidizing the interest rate and guaranteeing the loan under BRM 2020, were already used up in the first quarter.

As a result, the Regional Coordination Councils terminated the consideration of projects on subsidizing the interest rate on loans ahead of schedule.

Entrepreneurs are forced to wait for the next transfers, which can take a long time.

To solve the current problem situation, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs appealed to the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund" Damu "to provide information in the context of the regions on the development of allocated funds and fund balances under the DKB 2020 within the limits of the regions, in particular, subsidizing the interest rate on loans.

The information presented by the Ministry of National Economy and JSC "FED" Damu "information will allow the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs to monitor projects and get a common understanding on the implementation of BRM 2020 program in all regions. In addition, the entrepreneurs themselves have proposals for the implementation of BRM 2020.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs has raised the issue of revising the requirements for the concept of an "effective project" since the last year, as in the current difficult economic situation the existing requirements for determining "effective projects" (increase in the company's income, increase in the average annual number of workers places and growth of the amount of taxes paid to the budget by 10-20%.) are tough for entrepreneurs.

To discuss all these urgent issues, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs will hold a meeting on the site of NCE Atamekan with the participation of representatives of all interested parties after receiving information from the Ministry of National Economy.

Those wishing to participate in this meeting, if necessary, can apply to the Regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs or by phone +77172 91 93 58 (Botagoz Zhavgasheva).

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