
The Prosecutor General's Office approved its position regarding the business

- Pavlodar Region
9184 просмотров

Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs is constantly monitored by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev said at a meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region, with the participation of the regional akim Bolat Bakauov and representatives of the business community.

On 31st of May 2017, the Mazhilis of RK approved a draft of a new version of the law "On the Prosecutor's Office". The draft law aims to strengthen significantly measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of business, reduce inspections, improve the system of control and supervision.

It should be noted that, based on the new draft law, the General Prosecutor's Office independently initiates the restriction of a number of its powers with a view to improving the system of control and supervision. This momentum shows a positive trend on the part of the state.

 "Zhakip Asanov went to Parliament with a new draft law "On the Prosecutor General's Office". It can be stated that from the repressive body the General Prosecutor's Office has been transformed into an agency that defends the interests of bona fide entrepreneurs. These are very important changes that occur at the level of legislation", - the Chairman of the Presidium emphasized.

We will add that now the Prosecutor's Office will conduct an audit only if the controlling body does not fulfill its duties. All checks will be recorded, their maximum duration is 30 days.

"Dialogue with the Prosecutor General's Office is developing. Issues of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs are on their constant control", - Timur Kulibayev added.

The Chairman of the Presidium also recalled that Atameken, together with the Government, had audited the licensing system. The result of this work was the adoption of the law "On Permits and Notifications".

"A serious legislative filter has been put in place when state bodies can not create new administrative barriers through their regulatory enactments. During the audit, the number of permits was reduced from 1115 to 316, almost 2/3", - explained Timur Kulibayev.

So far, no case of involving officials in property liability for damages paid to the entrepreneur by the state has been known.

Now, in addition to administrative, criminal and disciplinary responsibility, this official will also bear property responsibility: he will return the damage compensated by the state from his own pocket. The new draft law aims to protect the rights of entrepreneurs in the event of such violations.

Let us note that the Chairman of the Presidium meets annually with representatives of regional business on the eve of the Congress "Atameken". Recall, this year the Congress will be held on 14th of June.

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