
Timur Kulibayev on the tourism potential of Pavlodar region

- Pavlodar Region
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The regional development map covers all the natural advantages of the regions

The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken", Timur Kulibayev, reported this at the meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Pavlodar region.

"Each region needs to have its own business development map based on regional specialization and therefore it is important to use its historically developed advantages, understand the sales market and logistics capabilities. The regional map should contain the passports of the existing large and medium-sized companies in the region, projects and business initiatives based on regional specialization", - Timur Kulibayev emphasized.

The Chairman of the Presidium noted that tourism should develop quite differently.

"There is a FEZ on the territory of the Pavlodar region, there is an industrial zone in Ekibastuz. There is good potential here and one of the priorities is tourism. I think that Bayanaul will enter the republican development map. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an infrastructure on the routes that we offer to tourists", - said Timur Kulibayev. - Bayanaul is a pearl of Kazakhstan, and in order to preserve it, we need to develop a completely different quality of tourism than there is now. This is a unique place, where there are historical places".

According to the Chairman of the Presidium, tourism is one of the main drivers that can be developed on the territory of the region.

"The tourism industry is a developed theme in the world, it needs to be developed in our country. When we said that it is necessary to draw up a regional development map, it was meant that it should cover all the natural advantages of the region", - Timur Kulibayev added.

In turn, the head of the region Bolat Bakauov said that the Master Plan for the development of the tourist industry has been developed and approved in the Pavlodar region.

On the territory of the region there is the Bayanaul State National Nature Park with the state zoo reserve "Kyzyl-Tau", the health resort of Kazakhstan - the sanatorium "Moyildy", the floodplain of the Irtysh River, numerous natural, historical, archaeological, cultural and ethnic monuments. 91 tourism companies are registered, of which 82 are companies that carry out travel agent activities, 9 are tour operators.

On the threshold of EXPO, 2 memorandums of cooperation between JSC "NC" Astana EXPO-2017 "and" Sayat-Pavlodar "and "Five Stars" companies were signed. The given tourist firms have developed 5 routes in the region.

During the working trip the Chairman of the Presidium also got acquainted with the implementation of the project of modernization of the Pavlodar petrochemical plant and visited the Startup Academy on the basis of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.

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