
To the attention of entrepreneurs: as of 1st of July 2017....

- Kyzylorda Region
7866 просмотров

From 1st of July 2017 complaints about notifications on the results of tax / customs inspections and / or notifications on elimination of violations (hereinafter - notifications) are considered by the authorized body, that is, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This was reported by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken". The Chamber has developed a special Memo for entrepreneurs who complain about the notification of the results of the audit and / or notification of the elimination of violations. We bring to your attention this memo.

It is important to know!   As of 1st of July 2017, if the entrepreneur decides to appeal the notification, the complaint is submitted to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To consider complaints of entrepreneurs on these notifications, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan established the Appeals Commission, members of which are representatives of state bodies and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, when receiving complaints from entrepreneurs, forms the entire package of materials and sends it to the Appeals Commission for consideration.

According to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 557 of the Tax Code and Article 16 of the Customs Code, a representative of the National Chamber, a member of the Appeals Commission, when considering complaints of entrepreneurs, does not have the right to access information constituting tax and other secret protected by law.

In order to ensure protection of rights and legitimate interests of business entities, as well as proper, full and objective consideration of complaints against such notifications, the representative of the National Chamber will require a written permission of the entrepreneur to access information that constitutes a tax and other secret protected by law.

It is important to know! In case of an entrepreneur’s appeal of the notification, he or she should attach a written permission to provide the representative of the National Chamber to access information that constitutes a tax and other secret protected by law, in accordance with the attached form.

Based on the results of consideration of the complaint of the entrepreneur, the members of the Appeals Committee shall make a respective decision.


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