
New approaches to the development of FEZ and industrial zones were discussed in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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During the meeting a set of measures to address the systemic problems of the development of FEZ were considered

At the meeting of the Government, under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev, a set of measures for solving systematic problems of development of special economic zones in Kazakhstan was considered, and new approaches to the development of FEZ and industrial zones were discussed.

The Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhenis Kasymbek, reported that a number of systemic problems have been identified based on the results of the analysis of the activity of the FEZ, including the low pace of infrastructure construction, poor management performance, problems with the application of benefits, long terms of land acquisition and sectoral restrictions in the FEZ.

In order to fill and improve the quality of projects, a strategy is developed for the further development and filling of each FEZ. In addition, it is planned to provide a budget program for the management companies under the akimats.

The position of the business community on the given topic was voiced by the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

"It is planned to improve the legislation on FEZ issues and create a legislative basis for IZ. In this regard, since 2016, the National Council, together with the MID, has been working on changes in the legislation. Today, the same Ministry is developing the Concept of a single Law on FEZ and IZ", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

The draft Concept provides for solving a number of problematic issues related to the work of FEZ. Legislative consolidation of the powers of state bodies, management bodies for IZ activities, as well as the establishment of a single IZ coordinating center, provision of regulation of land issues are envisaged.

Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" also made a number of proposals during the meeting. For example, to fix legislatively the notion of "small industrial zones", where in the finished industrial premises will be placed SMEs. To this end, it was proposed to use idle industrial bases on the terms of public-private partnership. To consider the possibility of placing agricultural processing enterprises at IZ and to work out the issues of creating agro-industrial zones.

Recall that, according to the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the country created 10 SEZ in the manufacturing sector with different sectoral focus. The FEZ regime allowed the foundation of the logistical cluster of the last generation "Khorgos - Eastern Gate", to create railway engineering in Astana, to revive the textile industry in FEZ "Ontustyk" and lay the foundations of a chemical and petrochemical cluster in the FEZ "Khimpark Taraz" and "NINT"

Today, 154 projects have been launched on the territory of the FEZ, 651 billion KZT has been invested, over 11,600 jobs have been created. In the form of taxes, more than 107 billion KZT was returned to the budget. For one budget tenge of infrastructure spending, the participants invested more than 2 tenge of investment. This year, it is planned to launch 24 more projects with the creation of 3 thousand new jobs.

The reports were also made by the akims of Mangistau, South Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Kyzylorda regions and Almaty. Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Kazyna Umirzak Shukeyev reported on the construction of infrastructure in the FEZ.

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