
Protection of bona fide entrepreneurs is brought to a new level

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Mazhilis approved the exclusion of 215-article from the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

By the proposal of NCE RK "Atameken" on exclusion of the 215th article from the Criminal Code was approved at the plenary session of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of RK. Thus, the article was deleted.

"The practice of applying Article 215 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (pseudo-entrepreneurship) exerted serious pressure on business. False entrepreneurs were fined, and their numerous counterparties are forced to pay extra taxes, fines and penalties", - said Rustam Zhursunov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken ".

Conscientious entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to prove the validity of their transactions, using all legal instruments provided for by law to protect their rights.

As the Chairman of the Mazhilis Nurlan Nigmatulin noted, the draft law contains a number of amendments aimed at humanizing punishment for economic violations.

In particular, the person who first committed an offense in the business environment is released from criminal liability if he voluntarily reimbursed the damage caused to them. Criminal liability for pseudo business is also excluded.

"Thus, our decision is aimed at the implementation of the Head of State's installation to support domestic business, creating conditions for its development and growth", - added Nurlan Nigmatulin.

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