
To obtain medical assistance, Kazakhstani residents need to determine their social status

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From 1st of July 2017, the introduction of a system of compulsory social health insurance will begin, based on the joint responsibility of the state, employers and citizens. In this connection, citizens need to determine their social status. This can be done on the e-government portal, at the Centers for Servicing Population and Employment Centers.

The definition of social status is necessary for making contributions to the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund. Employers and individual entrepreneurs will start contributing to the Fund from 1st of July 2017. For citizens who do not make contributions to the system of compulsory social health insurance, medical care may become inaccessible. However, they will be provided with medical care for socially significant diseases, emergency medical care, outpatient care until 2020.

Self-employed, unemployed persons who are not registered in the Employment Center and persons from the economically inactive population must register as unemployed and obtain a place of work where the employer will transfer the deductions. The unemployed people, who are registered with the employment agencies, will be covered and paid for by the state.

If a citizen refuses the proposed employment measures, he will not be registered as unemployed, and he will have to pay self-employed contributions as a non-productive self-employed person to the social insurance fund.

Unproductively self-employed individuals make contributions from 1st of January 2018 to the health insurance system in the amount of 5% of 1 MW or 1144 tenge per month or 16970 tenge per year. Payment can be made monthly or at once for a year in banks located in the Centers for Servicing Population and Employment Centers.

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