
Issues of "transparency" of procurements were discussed at the Government

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Ablay Myrzakhmetov talked about the adopted measures in the sphere of procurement "the National Chamber has been directly involved in the work of the Government within the frames of the implementation of the President's Address since February of this year. More than 10 meetings were held on procurement issues on the Government's site, following which a number of important agreements were reached and conceptual amendments were introduced", - the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken " Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted, beginning his speech. It should be noted that in order to improve the procurement system, a working group was established on the site of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which included representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Based on the results of this work, the Concept was approved and a draft law was developed whose main goal is to improve the procurement system by improving approaches, methodology and regulation of procurement processes, increasing the responsibility of authorized persons and ensuring equal access of SMEs to procurements.

"I would like to note that within the framework of the draft law, 32 amendments were made by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, a significant part of which was approved", - the Chairman of the Board emphasized. With the support of the Government, Atameken has made great progress in improving anti-dumping measures. The amendment introduced in 2015 received the opposite effect. It allowed individual suppliers of such services in the construction sector, such as technical supervision and construction and installation works, development of design estimates, to reduce prices to unreasonably low level, and thus win the tender with minimal price offer. "In the near future, Atameken, in conjunction with industry associations and the authorized body, will complete the work to determine the permissible dumping. We believe that the result of this work will be to ensure the proper quality of the works and fair competition among entrepreneurs", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said. Among the results of Atameken's work is also the introduction of liability for violation of the timing of procurement planning. Among the subjects of corruption offenses are those who are responsible for making decisions on purchases of the quasi-public sector. Mutual understanding was reached with the Ministry of Finance, on the integration of information procurement systems, allowing comparative analysis of the cost of purchasing goods, works and services based on the results of purchases and market prices (the "price corridor"). "Another mechanism to support domestic producers was the introduction of mandatory requirements for the use of building materials of domestic production in the development of design estimates and its subsequent publication. However, in order for this rule to work, it is necessary to approve the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the Register of Goods of Domestic Commodity Producers (materials and equipment for construction) to be taken into account when developing design estimates and control while passing state expertise", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said. It should be added that the work requires active study by state bodies, since the Register is an integral part of the whole mechanism for supporting domestic entrepreneurs. Also, Ablay Myrzakhmetov separately dwelled on the results of Atameken's work in conjunction with the Fund Samruk-Kazyna. As it was noted by the Chairman of NCE, an agreement was reached on granting preferences to domestic producers in the prequalification system of the Fund in the presence of the Industrial Certificate, with the setting of corresponding counter demands for the modernization of production. In addition, Ablay Myrzakhmetov said that in order to combat the "adjustment" of technical specifications in the procurement processes of Samruk-Kazyna, a pool of industry experts will be introduced, which will conduct a qualitative assessment of technical specifications. "At the same time, the work of industry experts will be fully transparent. For the society and businessmen, reports on the activities of these experts will be published on the Chamber's website", - he said. Continuing his speech, the Head of Atameken spoke about the agreements reached on the codification of the ENS TRU. So, in order to avoid duplication of codes, a detailed audit of the existing codes of the ENS TRU (more than 170 thousand) is conducted jointly with the business, as well as work on the revision of the methodology for the formation of new codes. At present, a working group has been created with the participation of representatives of associations and state bodies, the procedure for its work has been determined and the procedure for approving codes is being developed. "The adopted conceptual measures will promote transparency, improve procurement systems. Most importantly, the conscientiousness in the procurement processes will increase, thereby ensuring the interests of the consumers themselves", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

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